i love you.

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no ones pov

Justin froze on his spot. Looking at Katherine he couldn't believe it. He came back to reality as soon as Katherine was to hit the floor. running to her. he caught her before she could hit the floor. His eyes were now only focused on Katherine.

Behind him Matt, Josh, Calvin, and Sack ran to action. who did it? who shot her? "Justin?" Katherine said in almost a whisper but Justin heard her clearly. "yes I'm here" Justin said grabbing Katherine he put her on his legs. more gun shots were heard behind him but he didn't care right now Katherine was all that matter to him. "I love you" she said as she spit a little blood. She felt like this was the last time she would get to say those words. "I love you too" Justin was almost in tears. he wanted to protect Katherine and he failed at it.

"if I die today-" she stated but Justin cut her off. "you're not dying. no not today" he said. Katherine looked at him and her eyes filled with tears. She knew there was a 50 chance that she was going to die. "I want you to know I always love you" she said. tears now running down her cheeks. Justin shook his head. He won't accept her dying. She can't die. picking her up bridal style he screamed at matt. matt came running as soon as he heard Justin. "take her. as fast as you can. the closer hospital you see" Justin spoke with such a demand. he gave Katherine to matt. who took off once she was safe in his arms.

turning around Justin began to look for someone trevon and Randie. he knows it was them. trevon may not have been the one who pull the tiger, but Randie was. going through the corridor he saw a body laying down completely life less, trevons. he smiled as he felt proud of his boys. he kept on going further. till a screm stopped him from doing so. opening a door. he saw josh, calvin, & sack. who were beating the living shit out of him. "stop!" Justin screamed. the 3 guys stopped as soon as they heard Justin's voice . Looking at Justin they began to back away.

Taking josh gun he told them to go. once there were out Justin turned to Randie who was in the floor groaning in pain. "how does it feel to be the one getting beat up" Justin said coming to him. he kicked his stomach making groan again. "I hope she dies" Randie said. The only reason why randie did it was because he couldn't have Katherine with Justin. If he couldn't have her then neither could Justin. He looked at it as a fair game. Both of them lost the girl they love the most.

Justin kicked him again harder this time Randie groanded spitting out blood. "and you said you loved her" Justin said shaking his head. "I do. but if she's not with me. I prefer her dead" Randie said. "your a fuck up" Justin said. Randie smirked at him. while trying to get up. Justin kicked him again making him fall down. "any last words" Justin said pointing the gun to his head. Randie smirked. "she was a good fuck" and even thought randie never touched Katherine in that way. He had a need to say that. He thought that it would haunt Justins thoughts knowing that his precious Katherine was touched by a man other than him.

Justin looked at him one last time and pulled the tiger. making randies body fall to the ground, he shot him again. anger boiling in his body from the words he said. He'll have to ask Katherine about it later on. as soon as he knew he was dead he headed outside where his boys waited for him. "Matt called he made it to the hospital" Calvin said as soon as he saw Justin. nodding the got in the car they headed toward the hospital.

His smirked faded and now the only thing he could think of was Katherine. hell if she dies.. Justin will dies as well. he wouldn't leave with the thought of Katherine dead. knowing he could of had saved her. "she'll live" josh said from the back seat. Justin being him didn't want his boys to see him weak. he nodded. The whole ride was silent but they soon made it to the hospital.

Going inside. Justin asked the front lady for Katherine's room. "ummm she's having a surgery I'm sorry you can't see her but you can't wait outside" the lady told them, they all nodded. they went to the waiting room where matt was found . "how is she" Justin said hurrying to matt side. Matt was looking at the ground he couldn't meet Justin's eyes, he knew Justin, he knew him to well once he tells him he's not gonna listen. "Matt!" Justin reapeaded. he was getting frustrated he wanted to know how was katherine.

Matt kept his head down. Trying to find a way of telling him what the doctors said. "they... they don't know if she'll survive" he said each word carefully. Justin froze and that all it took before he broke down crying.

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