Earth or Heaven?

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no ones POV

Justin rushed to karths bed pushing aside everyone that was next to her.

"Katherine" he screamed. he knew she couldn't hear him but he really didn't care. "Kath!" he screamed again. "Katherine!" he screamed one last time before being pushed away. doctors hurried to her side. taking everything they could. they told Justin and everyone in the room to get out. obeying to the doctors order they went outside to where the tension grew. He was scared for the first time in his life he was beyond scared.

Running his hand through his hair, he closed his eyes and started praying, something he hasn't done in a very long time but right now it seemed like the only option left. Seeing that he couldn't do anything. if she dies its all my fault. Justin kept thinking that.. he wouldn't live with himself knowing he's the reason Kath may die.

Opening his eyes he could see Carlos looking at him. Only this time his face expression was not anger or annoyed this time. His face held sadness. Deep down Carlos didn't hate Justin. He just hated the fact of him being with his best friend. and he finally understood . The love Justin has for Katherine no one can compare to it. He can now see clearly as Justin's tears started to fall from his eyes.

Everyone looked up as they saw the doctors come out. "how is she?" Justin asked beating who ever was about to talk. His red puffy eyes were fixed on the Doctor. Waiting for him to say something that would put him to peace. "we got her back. That was a close one" the doctor said. Justin relaxed a little. coming back to the room he sat next to her. grabbing her hand is his. He cared so much for her. He didn't care if he died as long as she was saved. Kissing her hand he put it back down but never letting go. Everyone stood behind him. looking at how Justin was with Katherine. It was amazing how a boy like him could care for a girl that much.

Samantha. Kath's aunt felt bad for making Justin stay away but she knew it was the best for her. She knew that this was hurting Justin but if he wanted her alive it was the best decision.

Katherine was back in the room. this time she was closer to the light. "I want to go home" she cried. "I want to see Justin, my family, Carlos" she kept crying "I just want to be back" she kept crying harder and harder. her knees pressed against her stomach. "I'll always love you" she heard someone say. "hello?" she called but the only thing she heard was her eco.. "I love you" she recognize the voice... "Randie?" as she said that.. Randie appeared in front of her.

she stood up and backed away. "please don't do anything" she said. "I'm sorry" he said.. Kath furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. she didn't say anything but she kept moving to the light. leaving randie in the dark. "I'm sorry I shot you" he said again. Kath stoped. shot her? what? "what?" "you don't remember?" "no?" "I kindaped you...hit you..and shot you. your between earth and heaven soon I'll be hell" she took his words by surprise.

She remember being kindnapped and abused but no the other part. "run" Randie said his eyes fixed on her. "what?" "run to the light.. before it fades away" "why?" " its your only way to get back to Justin." she nodded. she bean running maybe just maybe she can be back with him. Back with the only boy she truly loves.


"I love you so much" Justin kept saying. his hand never leaving hers. its been over a week. he hasn't left, she hasn't woke up. "you need to rest" Kath aunt said. putting a hand on his back. She's been here everyday just like Justin. She would leave and come back the next morning to find Justin sleeping in the same chair next to Katherine. "no. I need to be with her" no one has seen this side of Justin. no one. he's know to have a heartless heart, cruel, you call it. but this side ? this side was different. this side was the real him. not being scared to show who he cared the most for.

"I'll go get you something to eat" she said leaving the room and closing it. "I need you back please please come back to me" he said. his eyes never leaving Katherine's closed ones. in hopes she'll open them. In hopes of having her back where he can take her in his arms for the time they have together since he knows he soon would need to let her go as much as it hurts him.

"please come back to me. I'm begging you" he said closing his eyes there was a moment of silent. Where the only thing he could hear was the beating of her heart. At least he knew she was still alive. he interview his fingers in Katherine's. "Justin?" a small and very fragible voice said. Opening his eyes he was met with brown eyes. "Katherine"

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