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no ones POV

Katherine started to wake up. Noticing she had her hands and legs tied, she also notice she was on a very very familiar bed. Looking around she became aware of where she was. It was an old cabin, her mom and dad used to come here a lot when they would visit her aunt it was where they shared many happy memories before her mom became who she is now.

but who that's all she could think about, who brought her here and why. "hello?" she called she wants to know why. why was this happening to her again. Why when everything was going just fine, everything just starts to crumble down again. What is Justin doing now? She thought to herself.

Meanwhile in Justin's house he was freaking out. When he got home he found the front door broken. Not giving too fucks he ran towards his room to find the door on the floor and broken lamp.

Pulling his hair he let sigh of frustration. How can he let this happen again. He made sure every thing was right for her. The security, the house, everything. "man calm down we'll find her like last time" Josh said. He wanted Justin calm, when Justin is in his crazy state nothing can stop him. "how? last time we knew who had her. this time were fucking clueless." Justin said going back and forth who.. who could of took her.

"helllllooooo" Katherine called again for the 100th time, she couldn't be alone someone had to be in this house making sure she wouldn't escape, not the she could anyways. she tried to move and get out of the ropes but no luck. "for fucks sake is someone here!" she screamed getting fustruated. closing her eyes she took a big breath.

"you called baby girl?" she froze .. could it be.. opening her eyes she couldn't believe it. how can someone who said loved her with everything do this to her. "mom?" she asked in disbelief, her mom smiling sweetly answered, "I hope your comfortable. I made sure to bring you to your old room" moving to Kath side.

She was speechless, looking at her with such hate. "how can you do this to me?" she asked, the person that gave life to her, said to lover her did this to her? She wanted to ball her eyes out but she knew she needed to be the stronger person. "I told you I wasn't going to let my daughter seen with a criminal" she said. "your seen with dad" Kath spat back. "do you want to know the real reason we send you here?" her mom said still in her calm voice. Kath nodded waiting for what her mom was going to say.

"me and your father got divorce. I don't want you near criminals" she said raising her voice. Kath couldn't hold the tears longer. she has always been closer to her dad than mother and she knew for damn sure she would always take her dads side.

"I want dad" Kath screamed that earn a slap, from her mother. "maybe that'll teach you not to screm at me. you're not going back" her mother said. "I hate you. I hate you so much" Kath said her words coming like vemon. Her mother looking at her saddly got out. Once gone Kath broke down in tears how can her own mother had done this to her.

"what do you mean she's gone?" Kath's dad screamed at Justin and the crew. "someone kidnapped her" Calvin answered, right now he fears of Kath's dad. Everyone does. "how can you let this happen Justin?" he said looking at Justin. "I couldn't bring her to see her boyfriend kill someone" he said looking at his boss he said putting his hands on his head. Last time kath was kidnapped no one told Robert I mean why? They didn't know she was his daughter. But now everything changes. No one harms Katherine and gets away with it.

"we need to find her" Kath's dad said. Then like if something had hit Justin he got up from the couch. "the phone" he said looking at the guys with wide eyes, the guys looked at him weirdly. "the phone I gave her. it has a track chip. it let's me know where shes all the time" Justin said, calvin hurried to get his laptop. Looking for the details they found the red dot. "she's in a forest?" calvin said. Justin and Kath's dad moved to see. "they're in a cabin... I know exactly where that is" Kath's dad answered. "then let the game begin" Justin said, this time. This time he was going to make sure. Kath was safe in his arms forever.

Only some chapters left
damn her mother.
don't forget to vote
- Rocio

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