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Justin's POV

I felt like my heart stopped and I couldn't move.. "Justin?" her delicate voice said.. she sounded so tired.. like she fought a long way to get here. I finally got out of my shocked. "Kath" I smiled at her getting up from the chair. "Kath.. your awake" she smiled at me but didn't reach her eyes. "where am I?" she asked.

"hospital. Do you remember?"


there was a couple of silent minutes, where I got the chance to study her, her beautiful brown eyes didn't look happy...they had saddens.. her face was pale and her lips were dry... she didn't seem happy.

"Kath?" I asked putting my hand on her cheek. "what's wrong?" "nothing. I'm tired" she chocked out leaning her head against my hand. "I missed you so much" I said, I wanted to hug her kiss her believe me but.... she's not in the state and neither am I. She's awake, She's alive and she's here with me.

Thank you God. I truly own you one, Thank you for brining the love of my life back to me. "me too" she said looking at me with her brown eyes. Her face still pale and her hand was still a little cold but other than that she was alive!

The door opened and her aunt walked in drooping the bag of food I moved to the side so she could see Katherine better. "Katherine" she said tears running down her cheeks as she ran to Katherine's side. "hey" she said smiling her aunt laughed. "you're awake..." as she said she looked at me and my smile faded. I forgot about what she told me I forgot that I soon would have to leave Katherine.

Katherine seem to notice that. "I want Justin to stay with me" she said we both turned to her. Her aunt didn't respond for some seconds but nodded. "okay" that made Katherine smile. After that Karla came her reaction was the same as her mom, visiting hours were over but Samantha and Karla promised to be back tomorrow. I on the other hand was not leaving her side. I will spend as much time as I can with her before they take her away from me.

Sitting next to Katherine tonight was different. Her being awake was all I wanted being able to hear her, and her beautiful brown eyes put me at peace. "how long have I been... out?" she asked not taking her eyes off the tv . "about 3 weeks" I answered, she started to move to the side making me jump out of my chair. "what are you doing you can't move" "lay down with me" she said I obeyed wanting to be close to her she rested her head on my chest while I played with her hair.

"I feel like I'm in those corny girly movies" I said earning a chuckle from Kath which made my heart start to beat rapidly. she looked up at me and smiled. "I knew you would come" she said and I knew what she was talking about. "I'll always be here for you no matter how much I try to push you away. There's something that's always going to pull me towards you. You're driving me crazy" I said kissing her forehead she smiled and blushed while going back to her previous position.

god what has happen to me I guess I did change and I changed a lot, and only for a girl, but can you blame me? this girl has me crazy. I've never cried so hard in my life.. not since the day I left my family. But for her? Everything is worth it. Everything to keep her safe and happy, I would do anything for her, She is the girl for me.

When I look at her I can't help but fall in love with her a little more. She's truly beautiful not only on the outside but the inside. Yes she has her sassy moments but that's what I love about her. Everything about her makes my heart speed and smile, She's truly perfect. Maybe a little too perfect for me. I know I'm not good for her. Hell im sure if her parents were here I wouldn't be besides her. But I could care less. She's everything I ever wanted.

"Justin?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down at her to see her already looking at me. "yeah?" I said looking straight at her eyes. "While I was gone. I could still hear you. I hear you screaming my name and I saw you. How is that possible?" She asked while looking at me confused. "I truly don't know. But whatever reason it was I have you with me right now and that's all that matters" I said as I put my forehead against her.

"I honestly thought I wouldn't make it. I was so scared Justin. I was scared of never seeing you again" she said as tears were building in her eyes. Grabbing her face I leaned down to capture her lips on mine. Kissing her slowing scared that at any moment she could break She kissed back. I pulled away once I heard her heart beat faster. "Woah there babe" I said earning a chuckle from her. "I can't help it's your fault" she said smiling at me. "I'm glad the feeling is mutual" I smiled at her as she once again laid in my chest.



"I love you" she said as she yawned. "I love you too" more than you could ever imagine.

honestly I think this chapter sucks.
but comment/vote
small chapter


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