I'll always love you (The End)

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Justin's POV

Everything seemed like it stopped, it all looked like slow motion. The last thing I remember was trying to get kath. Kath running infront of her dad.. her ending up getting shot... and here we are again.. back in a hospital. "she'll be fine. just like last time" Matt tried to calm the tears that we're falling from my face. I didn't know what to say.. I couldn't think.. this time .. this time the bullet hit her heart. It takes the heart 5-10 minutes for it to stop and we were pretty lucky we got here fast. way to fast if I saw so. Not even the police could stop us.

"I can't believe she risk her life for me" her dad said. his head on his hands, crying just like me. calvin and josh took kaths mom with them.. they'll deal with her. right now all we care about is kath.

"how is she?" I asked as soon as I saw the doctor who was taking care of kath, he looked around scanning everyone's faces. He took a big breath in and out. "is the whole family here?" he said "no. her aunt and cousin aren't here" kaths dad answer. "it'll be best if there here" he said leaving. Kath's dad looked at all of us and for some reason.. I knew the doctors answer wasn't going to be what I wanted to hear.

Its been about an hour since Kath's dad called Samantha Kath's aunt and Karla her cousin. The doctor went back to check on Katherine. Calvin and Josh are back, they took care of Kath's mom. you don't want to know how and I'm not going to go into details.

"how is she?" I asked as I saw the doctor come out again "everyone here this time?" he asked again. I can tell. I can tell there bad news by the way his eyes show sadness also by the way he's looking like he himself is about to die. "how's my daughter?" Robert asked, his eyes red , his face pale, he knew too, they weren't good news. The doctor Gave us one more look. Taking a big breath he finally spoke. "Ms. Katherine ... will not make it" as he said those words I felt my word crash. I felt like i couldn't breath and I wasn't able to stand. I heard crying and screaming coming from kayh aunt , cousin, and his dad.

"Justin?" I heard Matt call. I turned to look at him I saw he was crying a little too. and so were the guys. Shaking my head I pushed the doctor running to kaths room . Nurses weren't stopping me, they probably remember. But of course I had to know what room she was in. Entering her room. I saw her.. laying down... her face pale.. her hair changed color... slowly moving to her side I felt the tears now coming out of my eyes.

Sitting next to her it reminded me of the time she got shot by Randie... I promised my self I would protect her. and I failed. again. "Kath" I whisper holding her hand, it was cold like ice. I felt someone grab my shoulder. looking up I saw it was the doctor. "she can't hear you" he said removing his hand. He moved to the other side of the bed. "you know ... she was awake for 15 minutes before I went out" he said looking at Katherine I stood up. "why didn't you tell us?!" I spat.

She was awake I could of talked to her... for the last time. "she didnt want me too" he said still in his calm voice. Calming down I sit again. "she told me to give you this. she knew.today was her last day" he said handing me a letter. I looked at him to see those sad eyes stare back at me. "thanks" my voice came out as a whisper... sounding broken. he nodded. "I'll leave you alone" he said. looking at Kath and the letter. I was scared to open it and see what she wrote. wiping my tears I opened the letter.

Dear Justin,

By now the doctor probably told you I won't make it. I'm sorry I wasn't strong. I'm sorry I can't be with you my love. Please I beg you that by the time passes to move on from me. I'll be looking out for you and protecting you. Tell my family I love them. Tell Karla to be good. Tell my father that I love him and I'll be looking out for him as well. Justin I will always love you. I will be there looking at you. I want you to be happy. I want you to move on from me. Live life Justin. In the 7 months of knowing each other, you made me feel amazing, happy even if we fought along the way. Thank you. thank you so much for showing what love was like. Please please be good and be careful. I know we'll meet again, when the right time comes.

with love.


I love you Justin .

By now I was in tears... the love of my life... is dead... the girl I dreamed of marrying.. the one to have my children... my Katherine. "Justin" I heard matt's voice. "its time to say goodbye" Kath's dad said. Wiping my tears in stood up. everyone came in.. my crew . her aunt . Karla .her dad.. everyone sharing tears. My heart is broken. The doctor came in once again. looking at everyone he looked at me for a longer time as if telling me that he was sorry, he then started to disconnect Kath... my tears just became more stronger. holding into the letter she wrote for the last time... "I'll always love you too" I whispered and I promised that day. I would live life and meet kath again when the right time comes. I'll always be her bad boy.

I hope you guys don't hate me.

I actually cried making this last chapter. I'm sorry I killed her. but most endings have a happy one. why not a bad one? lol

I want to thank everyone who took the time to read my story. thank you so much I really hope you guys don't hate me for this lol thank you so much.

another story will be coming soon.

thank you so much.


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