The Release Party

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~Nari's POV~

I wasn't that surprised.

It was dumb of me to think I could continuously strain my body without properly fueling it and expect to turn out just fine. What I didn't think was that it would end with me attached to an IV drip, in a hospital room with more people than should be in said room, and certainly not with my manager having the law out for his ass.

If I were to be completely honest, I'd say that what I felt most in this situation was guilt and self-loathing. I was guilty that the people I care about had to see me in such a state, and that they found out what I put myself through. At the same time I couldn't help but hate the me that was bred from the situation. I had succumbed so easily to the thought of losing weight, I was weak enough to take medication for it and throw up what little I had the opportunity to eat.

All in all I'd rate the experience 0/10. My manager never particularly liked me, I'd known that much for a while, but I never really thought the old dude would try and kill me in some weird way. Tampering with my scale, giving me his wife's meds, and also pushing me out of the car was a pretty dick move. I bet he has a lawsuit and divorce on his hands.

When I finally ended up coming to it had been past midnight, I grasped the situation pretty quickly. All around me had been the slumped over and sleeping figures of my teammates, roommates, and my label-mates. They were resting peacefully, the only sound filling the room was their soft snores and the consistent beeping of my heart rate monitor.  

Out of all the people in the room only one was awake besides myself, someone I didn't expect to be holding my hand by my bedside.

"You're awake."

"I am..."

"Please don't ever do this again. I'll make sure no one ever makes you feel as if you have to do something like that again, I promise. Now you have to promise me as well okay? Don't hurt yourself for the rest of your life."

"I promise."

"Good, now you have a comeback in three days that you have to kick ass at, so get some sleep."

The laugh that escaped my lips was the most genuine sound to leave my body in weeks. One purely joyful and ready to move on, no matter how difficult moving on may be.

"Thank you Jackson."


"This is the worst idea in the history of ideas ever!" The screech of a female echoed throughout the dorm room.

"For once I agree with you completely Honey, Nari was just released from the hospital two days ago! She should still be resting." Eunbi nods along to the other H.E.I.R member's statement as she fusses around the makeup vanity.

"Isn't it good that I'm up?" I ask, squeezing between the girls, "What I need is food anyways, not more sleep."

"She's right you know," Soowa points out, a now wavy curl of hair falling from the hot iron.

"If Soowa agrees that means all of your opinions are overruled, so ha, your invalid statements mean nothing to me!" I stick my tongue out, removing my dress from its hanger.

If the comeback is tomorrow what could we possibly be dressing up for? Given that this is H.E.I.R's first full album instead of an EP, we are having a release party at the company building. Therefore us aspiring idols must dress up to match the part, we can't just let all the hype be for nothing right?

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