A Joyful Christmas for Some (P2)

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A/N This chap isn't really as long as usual since I randomly decided to split it into two parts I ended up having a lot less for the second part to write, oops?

--Nari's POV--

"Jackson, can you put the wine glasses and silverware out on the table?" I called out from the kitchen as carefully put crackers on a platter.

"Already on it!" He quickly responded, rushing about with a stack of forks and knives.

If I'm being honest I was kinda confused. When the girls and I got home from the mall and finished wrapping up the last of the gifts, Jackson was suddenly attached to me by the hip. Not like I was really complaining, but it was surprising to say the least. 

Even Nana had nudged me in the side a bit once she noticed Jackson tailing me like a lost puppy. I appreciate the extra help but I was still just at a loss as to why he wanted to clean stuff and help around the kitchen when he could be with the boys helping set up the music area in the living room. 

"What will he do next, become your carbon copy?" Sunny snickers beside me as she cuts up vegetables.

I toss a cracker at her head and scoff, "Oh shut up it isn't that bad."

"You sure?" Guk Joo pops in, "It seems pretty bad."

I rolled my eyes in response, continuing what I was doing. There was a lot to prepare for the big night. We'd be having a lot of guests over, including friends and family of the roommates. H.E.I.R would be showing up as well, seeings as our promotions are over and we aren't scheduled for any shows, well besides this one obviously. 

"Jackson," I sigh, watching the poor boy pace around waiting for a task,"I don't need any more help, thanks for everything, I appreciate it, you can go help the other boys now."

The idol perks up immediately, scurrying away from the dining room to the rest of the male roommates. The weirdest thing about this Christmas Special episode would have to be that JYP was staying with us.

I loved our CEO, don't get me wrong. He's super nice and energetic and I'm lucky to have a person like him in charge. But managing me is quite different from living with me and spending Christmas with me. I can only take so much of his upbeat attitude in an enclosed space.

Christmas is weird in general, not just because of the strange rich company owners. The holiday season was never something I particularly enjoyed, it was always a part of my childhood that was just there. It was boring and uneventful since my family never did anything. My parents were constantly busy  so Christmas was just me with my Aunt sitting by a plastic tree with no decorations and watching The Grinch. 

"You're spacing out, the sausage is gonna burn at the rate you're going." Sunny lightly taps my head, pulling e from my thoughts.

"Sorry." I mutter, removing the meat from the pan and onto a platter.

With a sigh I hang up my apron, having finished my share of work for cooking. Retreating back to my bedroom I decide to write songs until guests start arriving, something I wasn't excited for at all.

God, I really hate Christmas.


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