{Special} Thanks is for Giving

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A/N Sorry, I've been busy with Thanksgiving and family chaos so I missed my update days for the week, but I'll just update four times next week to make up for it. Anyways, if you celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!

~Nari's POV~

Thanksgiving isn't celebrated in Korea. Which is obvious seeing as Thanksgiving is primarily an American thing seeing as it was a turning point in history for American immigrants. Coughamericansareimmigrantstoocough. Therefore Korea celebrated Chuseok, a three day holiday in September. 

I however, never really was super into Chuseok festivities. Sure, it was fun for the most part, but growing up in America for fourteen years really makes you miss some good old turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. And for these reasons is why I am determined to give the residents of the Roommates house the true Thanksgiving experience.

It all started when I brought a dead bird home one night.


Schedules had been hectic, although promotions for the album are wrapping up soon it's still pretty strenuous. Even so, my mood couldn't be dampened, who doesn't have fun carrying a twelve pound turkey through the dead of night?

My manager, the new super nice one, went to go to the market with me before coming back to the Share House, that's where we got the featherless carcass. Wait, I just had a though. Is the meet industry genocide? Oh no, we support massacres. After Thanksgiving I will happily stop eating meet for at least a few weeks.

I feel really bad now carrying the dead bird, and even worse when I tried shoving it into the fridge only to have it fall out with a splat.

"Sorry." I whisper with a wince, glancing around the dark kitchen to see if I had woken anyone up.

"Nari what are you doing at two in the morning?" Someone mutters sleepily from behind me.

Oops, looks like I did.

"Yo Jackson, wanna help me hide the body?" I ask the tired boy.

As if cold water was splashed over him, his eyes shoot open, "Oh my god Nari, what are you talking about. I know you were never entirely there, but I didn't think you'd resort to murder. I refuse to take part in this. Shoot, there's cameras everywhere in this house, I'm already a suspect!"

I gape at him through the minimal light produced by the open refrigerator, "Wow Jackson, thanks for thinking so highly of me, and no, I didn't murder anyone."

"Oh," A smile breaks out on his face, "then whatcha doing?"

Rolling my eyes  turn back to the floor turkey, "Alright Isabella, I want us to have Thanksgiving here at the Share House."

"First off, who's Isabella? Second, that sounds fun but I can't cook for the life of me." He states as he leans down and picks up the turkey for me, properly putting it in the fridge.

"You seriously never heard of Phineas and Ferb? What kind of sad childhood did you live through? Plus you can cut vegetables or something, I don't trust you around an oven anyways. Actually I trust you around a knife even less so you can set the table instead." I laugh, quietly exiting the kitchen and heading towards the stairs.

"Rude, Thanksgiving is tomorrow and it'll probably take a lot of time, so go to sleep." He shoos me away, a fond grin adorning his features.

"Sure sure, see you tomorrow when I'm continuously basting and buttering a turkey for eight hours." I wave before creeping into my bedroom, making sure not to disturb my sleeping roommates.

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