A Joyful Christmas for Some (P1)

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--Nari's POV--

When the JYP Family Concert ended the Christmas season started. With that came many decorations, endless bustling for presents, and freezing freezing cold weather. But despite the stresses and negatives, nearly all of the Roommates cast was in high spirits, greeting the season with open arms and rosy cheeks.

Except me. There was nothing I hated more that Christmas. However despite my loathing for the Holiday I was good at pretending. So I went along with everything. All the happy songs, the baking of festive treats, and counting down the days until some mythical dude was supposed to break into our house and give us gifts, but the production team would probably do that instead.

This leads me to where I am now. In a mall accompanied by Nana, Sunny, Jong Ok, and Youngji. Nana had yet to peep about my apparently obvious crush, but I could see in her eyes she was always thinking about some way to bring it up or ask how it was progressing. Just imagine how she tackled me after seeing Jackson and my performance at the concert.

"So, I for one vote we get a lot of mistletoe and set it up as traps around the house so we can get some good on-screen kisses, for the views of course no other reason." The caramel blond awkwardly laughs.

Sunny scoffs, "Yeah great plan, just I doubt you'd trap the people you wanted and you'd end up kissing Se Ho or something."

I laugh from my spot beside them as I carried some of our shopping bags. We were out to buy last minute gifts and decorations. It was Christmas Eve and currently early in the morning. We had a few more stops before heading home to start making food and wrapping whatever we needed. JYP had been staying with us the past few days and 'entertaining' is a generous way of describing it.

Our CEO was nice, he was giving and kind and when something went wrong he was there to fix it. I'll put emphasis on the giving part. He informed me and a few other cast members that he was flying in Jackson's parents from China for tonight, and a surely touching moment was ahead. I didn't know how to feel about it. Obviously I'm so happy for him, but I can't help but feel a bit bitter. And I feel bad for feeling that way, it's just becau-

"Yo Nari," Youngji links arms with me, "what're you gonna get Jackson for Christmas?"

I threw an alarmed look at Nana who only shrugged, "What do you mean, isn't his parents enough why do I have to get him something more?"

Sunny smacked the back of my head and gave me an dumbfounded look, "Are you kidding me? You have to get your crush something, obviously-- hey don't look at Nana, we all knew already. Did you think you were being subtle? GOT7 still wears cheap stuff, buy him something designer."

Now it's my turn to look at her like she's stupid, "I'm a struggling rookie idol that debuted less than a year ago and you really think I have enough money to but Jackson Gucci? And I am totally not obvious shut up!"

Jong Ok laughs at our dispute before coming over to break it up.

"Nari," she starts, "Sunny is right that you should get him something, but it doesn't have to be something too expensive, get him something meaningful."

Aw, that was cute. Too bad I suck at sentimental stuff.

"Should I get him a signed copy of my album?" That one earned me another smack.

"Y'know a confession is a pretty good gift." Nana chimes in.

"Y'know I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before." I give her a pointed look and she shrinks away.

I sigh as the rest continue to bicker over what I should buy. Really I was oblivious with this sort of thing, I never know what the right or wrong thing to do is. It was easy to buy the other Roommates something, but why was it so difficult with Jackson, maybe it was because I liked him so much I didn't want to give him a gift he'd hate.

Maybe I should've written him a song, but it was too late now. I could dance for him? No, he sees me dance all the time. Maybe Nana is right, I could confess. Pfft yeah right. I'll just take it as it comes, even if I have no chill I'll act like I have some chill.

It seemed that their arguing ceased, because soon enough we were making our way back to the car so we could go to the Share House and finish up our stuff. As far as I knew the boys were out at a different mall also shopping for last minute gifts and things.

---Elsewhere (Third Person POV)---

"Should I get her a signed copy of my album?" Jackson innocently asked.

"Bro....not cool." Joon Hyung shakes his head in disappointment.

Kang Joon sighs at his roommate, "You have to get her something with meaning dude."

"Like what?" Jackson groans, running a hand through his hair, "I suck at this stuff, I have no clue what to get her."

Jackson was a mess. Never had he been even remotely decent at giving people gifts, which sucked because it would've come in handy right about now. When it came to Nari he was really clueless. Given that Jackson's natural personality was more on the touchy side, it gave him an excuse to be closer to Nari and openly initiate some skinship, because that's just the way he is.

Nari meant a lot to Jackson. Similarly to how Nari felt, Jackson also saw the development of their relationship throughout the show. It started buddy buddy with more of a brother-sister relationship vibe. But how it is now, after the court case and concert, it was a lot more mature. More budding and teasing, ways that both are trying to discretely show their feelings without saying it outright.

But of course Jackson didn't know that. To him his interest in Nari was one sided and not reciprocated. Little did he know that he was very wrong. The funny thing is even the guys knew. Nana might not have let Nari know that others knew, but she really did have a big mouth, oops.

"I have a great Idea." Se Ho suddenly pops into the conversation, "The girls are going to be preparing the house and the food and tidying while we set up the tree and other things."

Jackson looks at him weirdly, "And your point is?"

"My point is that instead of you helping with the tree, you can help Nari, with anything. She's carrying a laundry basket, you swoop in and carry it for her. Things like that, just help make things easier for her." Se Ho nods to his own statement.

House work was the bane of Jackson's existence. He wasn't organized and one look at his room can show he isn't neat and tidy. However carrying a laundry basket is something he'd happily do for.

Honestly Jackson's most pure intention was to spend a nice happy night with his friends. And that would happen, it would be a joyful evening....for some.

Lol remember that time I said it was time to make Nari's life not so happy again.

Ha. Ha ha

Yes this is the Christmas episode happening in July.

Also sorry for the wait ajdhjahdjsf I've been super busy, this was originally supposed to be one big chapter but I decided to split it into two parts. The next part will come soon!


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