High School Adventure {SPECIAL PART 2}

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~Nari's POV~

You see my high school experience was unpleasant. Seeing as I lived in America until I was 14, I was used to that system, and I actually had friends. Therefore when I was suddenly forced to move to a whole other country, you could say it wasn't the best time of my life.

Then again, I'm not the only one with high school complaints, and there are people with far worse experiences than mine. But I'm going to complain anyways.

I remember one time vividly where I froze up during a class presentation and totally screwed myself over. Well, that frozen feeling was kind of in my body right now after the teams had been called.

It's not like I hated Mark, I could never hate Mark, he's super nice. However there is this thing called embarrassment, and well that is 90% of me. Having literally dove into an elevator to avoid conversation with him was branded into my brain. I don't know how I've even managed to avoid him for this long.

Currently it was in between takes for the show, and the staff asked us to come up with team names and to look at our scripts. As my group mates and Mark's split into their partners, the two of us approached each other as well.

"Hello Nari," The boy beams, "I'm glad we can be teammates, i don't know you as well as the other members of your group."

I laugh awkwardly, not even really a laugh, more like releasing air audibly?

"Ah, the honor is mine, I didn't know you were familiar with my friends." I politely bow to him.

"Yes, we see each other in the elevator sometimes, but shouldn't we come up with a team name now?" Mark grins and quirks an eyebrow.

That cursed elevator is out to get me.

"Yes let's do that." I smile in return.

Maybe this won't be as awkward as I thought it'd be?


"What are your team names?" Nana asks after we all got back to our spots after the small break in filming, though to cheers it'll look now time has passed.

"We are Team Double B!" BB grins while Bambam claps for the two of them.

"Because she's BB, and I'm BamBam!" The younger boy clarifies.

"We are team JJJP," JB sighs while looking at a happy Jackson, "he came up with it."

"Our team is Honeyeom! Because Honey is yummy!" Honey winks at the camera and Yugyeom shifts uncomfortably.

Poor boy, maybe I got off the hook by getting Mark as a partner.

"Our team name is Youngwa...no reason for the name." Soowa says plainly and Youngjae laughs at her bluntness.

"Okay...how about Nari and Mark?" Sunny turns the attention to the two of us.

"We are Team LA, since the both of us grew up in Los Angeles in America." Mark explains heartily.


"Oh wow, a name with meaning behind it!" Nana grins, looking up from her cue cards briefly.

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