[SPECIAL] Confrontations

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A/N: Note that this takes place between last chapter and a few weeks before what will be next chapter :) also be prepared for some vengeance against a certain someone. Also I suck at court scenes so I'm trying my best lol

--Third Person POV--

When the news broke to Korea that the youngest member of one of JYP's girl groups had nearly been starved to death by her manager, it broke the internet. Some people blamed JYP for not noticing the injustice, some even accused the Roommates production staff of pretending they didn't know.

Far worse things have happened amongst idols, that however wouldn't stop the wrath or Royalites and other kpop fans against the manager. And honestly, no one minded in the beginning.

KKHyunjin : That manager is disgusting, can't wait for charges to be pressed against him

Royalty1 : I hope Nari is okay, poor girl must've been struggling by herself

Jae : Not even surprised anymore. This industry is so flawed.

It didn't blow over quickly, which confused some people. Instead, it got bigger and worse.

HahaNa: Why is everyone so upset? The dude didn't do anything wrong, she needed to lose weight anyways.

KJoohyuk: If she can't take this, she'll never make it in the industry. She should just quit now.

Jackson slammed his laptop shut with a resounding sound. This day was already going to be an unhappy day, and now it got even worse. Not once did Wang Jackson think he'd be standing in a court room one day. Unfortunately for him that day came and happened to be today.

Of course it wasn't only his day that was going badly. Nari wasn't too thrilled about having to see that man's face either. However it was something that had to be done, and as what the world classifies as an 'adult', she had to do it. The most astounding thing for her was that his wife would be a witness for him. How she could even testify for him, Nari had zero clue, she had never even met the woman.

It was the large bump in the road that caused the van to shake that woke her from her thoughts.

"So is it possible for me to get arrested for pouncing on him during this thing?" Honey asks their manager, not showing any signs of joking.

"Well no maybe not arrest him, if you tried killing him then yes. But you would probably only be pulled off him and be asked to leave. Therefore I don't recommend it." Their manager explains while keeping her eyes on the road, twisting her wedding ring nervously.

Nari liked their new manager. She liked her a lot. The woman was incredibly kind, just married and back from her honeymoon, she was the epitome of genuine. She was worried sick about whether or not Nari was eating, if BB was sleeping well, even if any of them were homesick. All of H.E.I.R appreciated her presence. It brought them peace and it seemed to balance out some of the bad their past manager had done. 

The afternoon sky was the opposite of everyone's mood. It was tense. The ride to the courthouse was supposed to be two and a half hours but it feels like they're approaching far too quickly. The roads have just flown by, and the girls bitterly settled their gaze on the sign that read how far away they were. Nari had ten minutes to take deep breathes and try not to have a mental collapse in the middle of a court hearing being televised to all of South Korea.

Yes, it would be televised. It wasn't a national issue, but they had neglected to request it to be private, therefore the court allowed reporters to come inside and record. That would make everything all the more nerve wracking. 

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