Grim reaper

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I am now a testers, and I will kill any beast that step on the way to kill. That's why the masters call me death or the Grim Reaper of beasts because I don't hold back. Right now I'm in a dropship if you played batman arkham knight the batwing yeah that's what it looks like. Anyway on my way to kill a beta beast the masters can't control so it should be fun. I look out the ships window and nothing but destruction from one small beast gone big. Angle didn't like the testers so she didn't come and I am the only fighting tester for now till the new recruits come in.  My ex-girlfriend is coming but I broke up with her before joining the team and I know she still loves me. But with this job you can die and I want her to be happy so I left her so she can find a man to stay by her side forever. (We're almost over the beast now so get ready the pilot said).

(The door opened in the back the pilot said go when your ready so I dropped out from the sixty feet height). I landed on the ground no problem and saw the beast. It looked like a huge wolf made out of water wich is hard to kill but I killed a water dragon so it should be easy. I used my flame to heat up the ground and make it shrink then I pulled out my syphe and killed it easily. As I did this I remembered that my parents have been gone for a while. But it has passed two weeks so I shouldn't worry about them and they arethe best masters in the beta at least that's what angle told me. Anyway the job is done time to go home so I started to take out my pull up it's like a grappling hook for the dropship and it pulls you up so the dropship won't have to land. I used the pull up and got back on the ship going to school so I can go home. Now that I'm thinking about it those new recruits should come today when I get back. With them we get a new captin from Murphy highshool they have a beta army too so we compete with them. I look out my window and realized we were at the school fast. The dropship landed for check ups and fuel ups too. The way it come in from and underground base is the football field it opens and close so it's easy to get in and out. We also work with the army, navy, airforce, and coastguard. So we're just a piece of the military that go fight of monsters that sneak around everywhere. The dropship landed and I got out (time to see the new recruits I said) and I walked to the recruit room.

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