Meet the Hunters

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Angle: Ok Reaper here is the deal we have some highly ranked special forces coming here to see you and to help us with Murphy. Shay is still in medical for now but in a day or two he'll be out and ready to go.

Reaper: Right I'll greet them when the arrive and tell them all the things that's happened so far from there I'll show them to the artillery rooms. so what's there dropships school logo?

Angle: The don't have a school logo there have a city logo on the ship. Their the hunters April had told you about there are from Birmingham so they have a mask for the logo. They'll be here in two hours.

Reaper: Right when They show up I'll do as ordered.


The Birmingham dropship came over the football field and the field opened up allowing the dropship to safely land inside of the base. The dropship was pearly white with an elephant with sharp tusks on the right side of its wing. It had landing gear on it so its must be a scouter custom made for entry and exit not like ours, its only made for all out combat. But The way we use it you would say different on the matter. The dropships doors opened showing two twins both girls wearing high tech body armor made for guerrilla warfare. The auto camo it has makes it one of the most deadliest suits known to beta all over the world. But it was only thought as a myth seeing it in person means that's its real and the people inside the suit are even more dangerous. Not only are they powerful but the intelligence alone can cripple nations and wipe armies in half in one thought. The two girls walked off the ship and looked around the hanger with a puzzled look on there face and turned to me. Angle told me about this two an hour ago, the one on the left is jay Michigan a short blonde girl with no emotion what so ever and her sister. Meco Michigan a short blonde girl also with no emotion.

Both of this girls are in the twelfth and last year of beta once they graduate school they can retir or keep working it's their choice. But I've read their reports if they retir now Birmingham could be completely destroyed by one of the enemy beta's. This two are the only two good hearted for the people type of teasters in Birmingham left.

Meco: So your the guy that everyone is talking about the reaper. Right? We've been watching you for a while now and we like what we see.

Jay: Is there a place we can talk in private. We have some information for you but we need your information first.

Reaper: Sure I have a private sound prof room I call my office.

5 Min Later
Reaper: So what is it you want to talk about.

Meco: We want to know how long you knew how to change into that beast form and have you looked one that drive yet. Along with April how much does she know on the beta and the missions that's been done.

Reaper: Well for the the turning into a beast I recently learned that my weapon has some king of mind of its own, I tought I was using it but in fact we're in sink the hole time and one I learned that it was easy to change to that beast form. As for the drive we haven't seen it yet and neither has April. But why do you want to know all about me and April?

Jay: Ok we'll be straight with you for the beast form that's not an ability all beta's can use. The history of beta says that when man first walked the earth beast with powers of the element that they used for battle so man killed one and used its body to make weapons. Some people with special blood or disease could turn into a beast for a certain amount of time. As for the drive April's mother worked with Williamson to go into Murphy and stop king. But he was to strong and captured her, that's when your parents was sent to rescue her but they were captured as well. So we came here to give you a choice you can join the hunters or stay here at Williamson we'll give you some time.

Jay and Meco left the room and April walked in.

April: What did they want.

Reaper: They want me to go with them to the hunters so I can end this war here.

April: Are you gonna go or stay?

Reaper: I don't know yet, but I might just go.

April: You can't go I'll miss you.

Reaper: What do you mean

April: I'll miss you alot tay I'm not saying that as a friend. I'm saying that as someone who holds you close and dear to my heart. Please just stay with me till this is over then you can do as you wish.

Reaper: Fine. For you.

April kissed tay on the lips trying to deepen it but was interrupted by angle.

Angle: Alright reaper and April it's another beast.

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