11|Unexpected Guests

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The next day, Jessie woke Adriana and Natalia up at 8 in the morning. Adriana was, obviously, not very happy, but Natalia was simply too tired to even protest.

"Come on! Girls, please! I really need you both to get up," Jessie whined as she tugged the covers off of them.

"No," Adriana groaned as she reached for the covers again.

"Yes! Now get up," Jessie said as she started jumping on the bed.

"Okay, what did I just walk into," Mason asked with a laugh when he saw the two sleeping girls and Jessie jumping on the bed.

"I'm up! I'm up," Adriana yelled as she finally got up.

"Goodness, can no one sleep in peace here," Natalia groaned as she too got up.

"You have 20 minutes and then we're going out to breakfast," Jessie said before walking out of the room with Mason.
"So where were you last night," Adriana asked Natalia as she straightened her hair.

"What do you mean? I was with you the whole time," Natalia said with a confused look. She had stopped putting on her mascara to focus on Adriana.

"No, I mean once we got home. You didn't come back to the room until later," Adriana said.

"Oh," Natalia realized, "I went to the roof."

Adriana knew what that meant as the memories came back to her.

"The roof? Why didn't you come get me," Adriana asked.

Adriana knew that Natalia must have been upset to have gone up to the roof. She never went up there just because. In high school, Natalia had even called Kris' roof her "safe place."

"Anthony was with me."

The simple sentence made Adriana's eyebrows raise high. So much so that she even forgot what they were talking about to begin with.

"You were with Anthony? What exactly were you two doing up there?"

"Not what you think, you dirty minded hoe," Natalia joked as Adriana shoved her.

"He followed me up there to make sure I was okay. We just talked. Nothing else," Natalia said as she got serious again.

"You told him, didn't you," Adriana asked when she took note of Natalia's facial expression.

"I did, but I trust him. He didn't judge me after. He was really sweet about it."

"Good," Adriana smiled, "Nor should he ever judge you about that. If a guy ever does, he's not worth your time."
Arriving at their favorite hang out spot in high school, the gang sat at their favorite booth in the back.

"What can I- oh my god," their waitress exclaimed as she got a good look at the group.

"Do my eyes deceive me or are you all really here," the older woman smiled.

"Grandma, it's so nice to see you," Natalia giggled as she got out of the booth to embrace the older woman.

Lilian Webber, or Lily for short, wasn't actually their grandma, but she had been one to the group throughout their lives. She treated them like grandkids and was always there for them, especially Natalia. When Natalia didn't have enough money for certain things, Lily would help her in anyway she could.

"Oh, Natalia! It's so nice to see you! I didn't think I'd get to see you so soon," Lily said as she pulled away from the hug to look at Natalia, "Is everything okay? Why are you back?"

At that point, Kris stood up and said, "Actually, Lily we're back for a good reason this time."

Lily looked between everyone as she asked, "Well, what's going on?"

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