44|Devil's Return

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Are you sure you want to unblock this number?

Natalia had been staring at the words on her phone for over 5 minutes, but they still couldn't register in her mind.

She had blocked Chase's number after the incident at the food tasting when he had called and given her the ultimatum that caused the whole problem (though it didn't matter because if he really wanted to contact her, he could). Yet there she was about to unblock the very number that she had no intent to even look at weeks ago.

Before she could change her mind, she pushed the yes button on her iPhone and held her breath as if waiting for the phone to burst into flames.

"This is stupid. You're not a little girl anymore," Natalia firmly told herself as she clicked the message button on his contact.

To: Chase McDaniels
I'm sorry.

Natalia's finger hovered over the send button as she weighed her options, but ultimately pushed the send button and waited for the delivered sign to show up under her message.

The response was fast (faster than she would've thought), and Natalia held her breath as she opened the message.

From: Chase McDaniels

"Of course," Natalia said with a roll of her eyes before typing back a response.

To: Chase McDaniels
For going against what you said. I should've listened to you in the first place. Just please don't hurt anyone else because you're upset with me.

From: Chase McDaniels
I take it you got my little gift then? If you had just listened, all of this could have been avoided. But I'm not unreasonable.

To: Chase McDaniels
What do I have to do?

From: Chase McDaniels
Just worry about being a good bridesmaid for Jessie. I'll take care of the rest.

To: Chase McDaniels
You don't want anything in return? And what 'rest?'

From: Chase McDaniels
No, princess. I just wanted you to pay attention. And I believe I promised a blessing?

Leaving it at that, Natalia let out a sigh in relief as she locked her iPhone. For the first time in his life, Chase was actually being mindful of others, but still she knew she should be wary of it.

If only she knew that he had a hidden agenda with his newfound nice guy attitude.
"Angel Adriana," Jessie cheered as she hugged Adriana.

"I'm not an Angel yet, Jess, but that is the goal," Adriana giggled as she walked further into Natalia's apartment.

"How's Tyler doing," Kylie asked.

Jessie's smile dropped as she shrugged. "He's okay. A bit shaken up I guess, but okay overall."

"That's why he should've never messed with Chase. I mean, we all knew something like this was possible," Adriana sighed.

"Yeah, but he was just like the rest of us. Blinded by all the glamour that is Chase's life," Jessie sighed, "but this was a much needed wake up call for him."

"Where even is he," Kylie asked as she noticed Tyler was no where to be seen.

"At the apartment. He wasn't really in the social mood and I don't blame him," Jessie shrugged.

Unfortunately Jessie wanted to believe her brother had changed when he really hadn't.
"Wait, so you're telling me that your ex is a model," Adriana asked Anthony in shock.

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