22|Best Friend's Brother

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The whole entire time, Jessie and Tyler argued about little things. From who was doing what to who was the all around best at something random.

Truth be told, Natalia blocked them out as they continued to argue like 5 year olds everywhere.

When they finally arrived to a small diner for the ice cream Adriana was craving, Natalia sighed in relief. Although, Natalia was still confused on why Adriana wanted ice cream when the weather was literally in the negatives.

As they sat down at a booth, and ordered, Adriana asked, "So how old are you now, Ty?"

"I just turned 20," Tyler proudly remarked.

"The big 21 is this coming year," Kylie said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Please that doesn't change anything. He may be old enough to drink, but he's still immature," Jessie laughed.

"Funny, because that's what mom and dad say about you," Tyler remarked.

Natalia dropped her spoon and Kylie gasped.

"That was a low blow, Tyler," Adriana warned.

"Is that really what mom and dad are saying about me," Jessie asked.

"Look, Jess, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it like that," Tyler apologized.

"Is that what they're saying, Ty," Jessie asked again.

Tyler hung his head low as he nodded, "I'm sorry, Jess."

"Who cares about that, Jess? You have us," Adriana comforted.

"They've felt that way ever since I left for Chicago with Kris. It only got worse when Ty went to college," Jessie sighed.

And it was true. The normally lax Delp's had become overprotective and strict after Jessie moved away. When Tyler was given an acceptance to UCLA, he almost wasn't allowed to go because they hadn't wanted him to leave. This further caused tension in the Delp household when Tyler decided to go anyways.

"I haven't seen them in a bit though," Tyler confessed, "but mom called me the night you told them. She wanted me to call you and 'knock some sense into you.'"

"I was going to go to Vegas for my break, but I switched the flight last minute to come here," Tyler said, "And actually, Chase called me after he heard I was going home."

"What," Jessie asked in shock.

"What would Chase want with you," Adriana asked.

Natalia was wide eyed at that information.

Did that have anything to do with Chase's phone call to Natalia?

"He wanted to meet up, but I obviously didn't end up going," Tyler shrugged.

"Maybe he wanted an invitation to the wedding," Kylie offered.

"Well, he can stay wanting," Jessie said, "He's not going to get one."

"Although if he did go, Anthony would surely fight him. It'd be like a duel in Natalia's honor," Adriana joked as Natalia glared in her direction.

"I didn't realize Natalia was dating Anthony," Tyler said.

"Oh, no," Natalia quickly said, "We're not-it's not official or anything."

"Then I strongly suggest you make it official soon if you want it to be. Someone could just swoop in one day and take you both by surprise," Tyler warned.

"Anthony isn't that type of guy," Jessie reassured, "If he's into Nat, he's into Nat."

Natalia wanted to let Tyler's statement go, but it kept resonating with her as she repeated the words in her mind.

Could Kayla swoop in and stop anything before we actually make something of us? Is that what Tyler means, Natalia asked herself as her mind began to run wild with different scenarios and questions.

It had happen before after all. Anthony and Natalia had been getting along so well, but then Kayla swooped in at the World Series and that was the end.
Jessie and Tyler left soon after, and the rest of the girls stayed seated in the booth for a bit before also opting to leave.

Natalia was driving to Kylie and Adriana's apartment as she began to think back to what Tyler said.

"What do you think Tyler meant by what he said about Anthony and I," Natalia asked, interrupting Kylie and Adriana's bickering.

"What," Adriana asked.

"What do you think about what Ty said," Natalia repeated.

"It's nothing," Kylie brushed off, "He's just Jess' little brother. What does he know?"

"Yeah, Ty has always stuck his nose where it doesn't belong. That's part of the reason why it was so good for him to leave Vegas," Adriana explained.

Natalia wanted to trust in what her friends were saying, but couldn't help but let the doubt creep in.

But with doubt, came fear and she began to think about more than just Kayla.

"What if he meant Chase," Natalia asked.

"He didn't," Adriana quickly said, "Chase and Ty aren't even friends."

"Yeah, but Tyler said Chase called him to hang out," Natalia said.

"He couldn't have meant Chase, Natalia. It's nothing to worry about. I'm sure it's nothing. Now you're just letting your mind run wild," Kylie said.

"Besides, you haven't heard from Chase since Vegas," Adriana said.

Natalia didn't know whether to fess up to her phone call with Chase earlier in the day, but truth be told, she didn't know what the phone call meant.

So she took the easy way out and lied.

"Yeah, you're right," Natalia smiled at her two best friends. I'm sure it's nothing."

Chase is back ‼️ and I'm excited because that means drama

Do you think Tyler knows something or is he just an annoying little brother? Can he be trusted? What do you guys think?

Until next time,

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