57| a new type of reunion

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Natalia gave herself a once over in the mirror with a sigh. After leaving Anthony to get ready, the reality settled in and she realized he was right- it really wasn't a good idea for them to be going out with Tyler when they still didn't know the whole story.

Nonetheless she nodded at her appearance and met Adriana in the hallway of their hotel suite.

"Mason just texted me that he's on his way to the hotel," Adriana said without looking up from typing on her phone.

"Tyler isn't with him?"

"He's still coming, Nat," Adriana said, finally looking up at the blonde. "You look pretty."

"Thanks," Natalia said flatly. The compliment was meant to divert her and she quickly saw through it. "Where's Tyler?"

Adriana rolled her eyes, but still decided to give up what she knew. "He brought a girl with him."

"As long as it's not Savanna, I could careless who he brought along," Natalia shrugged, not understanding the problem.

"I definitely agree there, but I'm just worried about Jess. We still don't know what's up with Tyler and now he's just bringing some girl? It's weird too because he was meant to drive down here with Mase, but he never showed. He flew in apparently."

"So Tyler's still acting weird," Natalia sighed. "What's new? I'm honestly just over it. I don't even want to go out tonight, but here we are, so we should at least try to have some fun tonight."

"You got that right," Kylie exclaimed as she joined the two in the hallway, a bottle of liquor in hand. "I took the liberty of bringing a pregame for us because if I know our group, there's bound to be drama and we could all go with some liquid courage."

Adriana gladly grabbed the bottle of tequila from Kylie and Natalia only watched the two in amusement. When Adriana gestured to the bottle, the blonde shook her head- she had no intention of getting drunk tonight.

"Suit yourself," Adriana shrugged as she passed the bottle back to Kylie.

Jessie was the next person to walk into the hallway, and one look at the bottle in Kylie's hands and she knew it was going to be a long night. "Come on, girls. The guys are waiting in the lobby," Jessie said.


Natalia, Jessie, Kylie, and Adriana all made the short walk from their room to the lobby where Kris and Anthony did in fact stand, waiting. The two seemed to be in deep conversation when the girls approached. Kris was the first one to notice them as his fiancé came to his side.

Anthony looked over at Natalia with a smile. "You look beautiful, Natalia," he said, making the blonde blush as she kissed his cheek.

"I'd say the color of her dress makes her eyes pop," Adriana added as she winked at Natalia.

"They do look more blue than usual," Anthony agreed.

"Oh, look, there's Mase," Kylie exclaimed as she saw the brunette boy giving his keys to valet.

It was at that moment that both Kris and Anthony noticed the bottle in her hands. Kris grimaced at the thought of the girls getting drunk before they left for Chicago in the morning. They were surely going to regret it later.

Adriana grinned widely as her brother made his way over to her, an equally as bright grin on his face. "Little sister!"

Adriana couldn't help but laugh as she wrapped her arms around the tall brunette. "I missed you, Mase."

"Maybe you should've come home in between LA and New York," Mason teased.

"Your sister is a big time supermodel now, Mase," Kylie joked.

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