42|It's A Lying Game

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"Hey, so did you get Tyler talking," Adriana asked Jessie as she sat down in between Adriana and Natalia.

"If you didn't it, we have a plan," Natalia smirked.

"As amusing and terrifying as that sounds," Jessie said with a fake laugh, "There's no need. He already talked."

"Oh? Well, what did he say," Natalia asked when Jessie didn't elaborate.

Jessie tried to contain her groan, and looked her best friends in the eyes. She couldn't tell Natalia about Chase. It would only make Natalia blame herself, or even worse, confront Chase herself. Her whole entire life had become a lie when it came to Chase, and Jessie hated it.

"He took a night out a little too far," Jessie lied, "He hit on a taken woman, and you know the rest."

"He was beaten to a pulp by the boyfriend? I expected something way more interesting," Adriana snorted as the jet doors opened, and the stairs were lowered.

Jessie looked to Natalia to see if she bought her story, and sighed in relief when she saw the smile on Natalia's face. "He should be more careful next time. Is he staying long?"

"Uh, good question," Jessie said as she shrugged. "He didn't specify, but he's my little brother and I think we could use this time to work out our problems."

Adriana grabbed her purse and walked down the stairs. At the bottom, she turned back to Jessie and said, "Can we have a Fam Day tonight? I have an announcement and I want everyone to be there."

Kris nodded for Jessie as he smiled at the brunette. "Be at the apartment later tonight."

Natalia turned to look at a sad Tyler as she turned back to Anthony, who was walking down the jet with her.

"I'll see you at the apartment tonight," she asked hopefully.

"Yeah," Anthony agreed as he kissed her cheek and passed her her bag.

"You didn't have to carry my bags," Natalia giggled as she grasped the heavy bag in her hands.

"Kind of my job as the boyfriend, no," Anthony teased.

"Cute," Natalia mused as she shifted the bag in her hands and turned to look at an expectant Adriana. Since Natalia had given Adriana and Kylie a ride to the airport, they had to wait for her. Unfortunately, patience was not Adriana's strong suit.

"I should go," Natalia said as she turned back to Anthony. "Adri'll have my head if I make her wait any longer," she giggled as she leaned in to give him a quick peck on his lips.

"I'll see you in a few hours then," Anthony said.

"Until then," Natalia smiled cheekily as she walked over to Adriana.

"Let's go," Adriana sighed as she picked up her bag from the ground, but stopped when Natalia grabbed her arm.

"Kylie's still talking to Jess," Natalia said as she pointed to the two girls.

Adriana rolled her eyes and sighed, but waited with Natalia. "So you and Rizz are super cute," she commented.

"We are so not doing this," Natalia said as she let out a light laugh.

"But we are, my bestie," Adriana laughed. "So tell me, when's the wedding?"

"I thought you already knew. You're a bridesmaid too," Natalia joked as Adriana flipped her off.

"You're a bitch," Adriana laughed.

"Hey, like people get along," Natalia teased as Adriana laughed at her words. "Bitches stick together."

Kylie walked up to the two as she asked, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Adriana said as she grabbed her bag from the ground and watched Tyler turn to look at the girls. "What is his deal exactly? He's being weird."

Kylie shrugged as they began walking to the private parking. "I only know the extent of his injuries. I didn't ask for the story."

"Can I confess something to you girls," Natalia sighed.

"Anything," Kylie quickly replied. "Is everything okay?"

"Tyler said something the last time he came to visit, and it stuck with me for awhile. I let it go, but now that he's back-"

"Is this about what he said regarding you and Anthony," Adriana asked, "Nat, you know that Tyler's just dumb. He was being stupid by saying that stuff."

"It's not that," Natalia shook her head as they finally got to her Range Rover. She unlocked the car, and opened the trunk as they all put their bags in. Once they were all inside the car, she said, "Tyler doesn't support the wedding."

"Wait, what," Kylie asked in shock.

"I egged him on one day at lunch, and he let it out that he's only hear so that Jess isn't alone on her wedding day," Natalia sighed as she started the car.

"She's not alone," Adriana said as she put on her seatbelt. "She has us, and she doesn't need people who don't want to be there."

"That's exactly what I told him. I made him leave in exchange for not saying anything, but now he's back, and I- I just don't know what to do," Natalia said as she pulled out of the parking garage.

"You have to tell Jess," Kylie said.

"And get her upset by telling her no one in her family supports her," Adriana retorted. "You have to get him to leave quietly."

"This is her family we're talking about. It's not our decision to make. Jess deserves to know," Kylie said. "And I hate to mention this, but we all saw how Jess reacted when Natalia kept the other secret."

"Jess is upset enough about her parents. This would kill her," Adriana sighed.

"You're both not helping," Natalia cut in. "I don't know what to do, and you're both making very valid points."

"It's ultimately up to you whether to tell her not, but you really have to think about it," Kylie said. "Just know that she'll be upset either way, and you can't blame yourself. You were put in an uncomfortable position, and Jess won't blame you, so you shouldn't either."

Natalia sighed as she drove on the freeway and let her thoughts roam free.

Maybe I should just tell Jessie and get it over with, Natalia thought. Or maybe I should just get Chase on my side and tell him to get Tyler to change his mind. Take the bait and call it a day.

Yet even as she thought of all that, there was one thing in her way: how to get Chase on her side after he had placed a target on her back.

We're not done with Chase'a bait yet 😏 Natalia has found herself in yet another awkward situation, but this time she may have a chance to do right by Jessie. What do you guys think: will she leave it alone or poke the bear? 🤔

In these upcoming chapters, we'll be learning a few things about Tyler and Chase! And that brings another question: can Tyler be trusted?

Until next time,

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