19|First Date Jitters

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*A/N this is one of my longest chapters yet, and tbh I'm so proud of it. Enjoy ☺️

Natalia was currently lounging around her apartment going through some case studies for class when her phone rang.

Without looking, she answered it, and smiled when Jessie's voice came through the line.

"Jess? I thought we weren't meeting up for another 2 hours," Natalia asked in confusion.

"I know, and I'm really sorry, but can I take a rain check? You'll never guess what just happened," Jessie said on the other line.

"Jess, no worries, and what happened," Natalia asked.

"Julianna Zobrist just called me and invited me to dinner," Jessie squealed.

"Doesn't that happen like all the time," Natalia asked, not getting the big deal.

"Yeah, but this time it's different because it's a wives only dinner! I've officially climbed the WAG totem pole," Jessie squealed, "They're taking me in as a new member of the golden squad."

"That is a big deal," Natalia giggled, "So go have fun with the 'Golden Squad!'"

"I just feel really bad because we had plans," Jessie said, "Are you sure it's okay? I mean, there will always be another dinner."

"Jess, it's totally fine," Natalia reassured, "Go have fun with the wives. I'm sure I'll find something to do."

"Why don't you call Anthony," Jessie asked, "I'm sure he's not doing anything tonight."

"And why on earth would I do that?"

"Because you still have feelings for him," Jessie said.

"Thanks for the advice, but I probably won't," Natalia laughed.

"Look I have to go, but promise me you won't sit at home all night," Jessie asked.

"Fine, bye. I love you," Natalia said as she hung up.

Natalia put her phone down and went back to looking at her case studies. After a half hour, Natalia still couldn't focus due to Jessie's words.

Why don't you call Anthony?

Natalia groaned as she thought about it. Finally making a decision she thought, Screw it, and scrolled through her contacts for the number she was looking for.
Natalia was a bundle of nerves as the phone rang.

What if he laughs at me and says no?

What if he doesn't see me that way and I'm imagining things?

What if he's on a date?

Natalia didn't have time to think about anything else when Anthony answered.

"Hey, Natalia," Anthony said on the other line.

"Hey, Anthony," Natalia said as she gave herself a quick pep talk.

You're going to be a lawyer. You don't get nervous. Use your words, she scolded herself.

"Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight? Jess kind of bailed on me earlier today because of some dinner," Natalia explained.

"Who would've thought," Anthony chuckled, "Kris bailed on me for the same reason. I'll pick you up in an hour, and dress warm."

"This sounds an awful lot like a date," Natalia joked, but immediately regretted it.

Natalia, you are so so stupid, she face palmed.

Before she could take it back Anthony said, "Well, it would make me really happy if you called it that."

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