64| proud

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NATALIA SIGHED AS SHE pressed herself further into Anthony's neck. They were all on their way to the airport where they would finally be heading home, but all she wanted to do was sleep. She had no idea why, but she was exhausted. To make matters worse, she had class the next day.

Anthony's fingers ran through her hair softly, lulling her to sleep, but she remained going in and out of consciousness.

"You should skip class tomorrow morning," Anthony whispered.

"I wish I could, but I really can't miss anything. Graduation is too close," Natalia whispered back. "Now can you please go back to being a silent pillow?"

"Oh so now that's all I am to you," Anthony teased.

Natalia let out a small laugh. "If it makes it any better, you're not a very good one. Your chest is a little too hard for me to be comfortable."

"How does that make it better," Anthony asked the girl who only shook her head with her head still firmly tucked into his neck.

"I don't know. I'm tired. Now shh."

Anthony chuckled as he resumed playing with her hair. Natalia's body was completely still when the car finally came to a stop, and he figured she was asleep.

Lightly pushing her head out of his neck, his thoughts were confirmed when her eyes were completely shut and her breaths could be heard coming out evenly. The driver opened their door, and Anthony adjusted Natalia in his grasp before stepping out of the car, Natalia in his arms bridal style.

The car behind them stopped, Jessie and Kris exiting. Kris followed the driver to the trunk of the car, grabbing their luggage while Jessie went to Anthony.

"Is she asleep?"

"She's had a long weekend," Anthony shrugged as best he could.

Jessie nodded, following Anthony as he made his way to the stairs leading into the jet. He carefully adjusted Natalia in his grasp, so she wouldn't hit her head and when she muttered something, he shushed her, kissing her forehead. Jessie smiled as she watched Anthony place Natalia into one of the longer seats.

"Thank you," Jessie muttered when Anthony sat across from her, Natalia snuggling into his side in her sleep.

"For," Anthony asked in confusion.

"Taking care of my best friend," Jessie said, a smile making its way onto her face. "She deserves the world, and I'm happy to know that you're giving it to her."

"She does deserve the world," Anthony agreed, looking down at the sleeping blonde.


"It's not your choice."

"You can't do this."

Anthony woke up with a start, feeling a wetness against his shirt and muffled whispers into his chest. He looked down to see Natalia, still asleep, but clearly distraught.

"Nat," he whispered, but when she didn't budge, he took her hand in his and lifted it to her cheek. "Nat, wake up."

Natalia opened her eyes, but rather than the lively blue he was use to seeing, her eyes looked dull and red.

"Are you okay?"

"I ruined your shirt again," Natalia said, sniffling as she gave him a soft smile.

"Nat, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a bad dream. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't apologize. It happens."

"I'm sor-" Natalia stopped herself as she placed a hand over her mouth. "Yikes, I keep apologizing."

"It's one of the things I like about you," Anthony mused.

It was silent for a few minutes, Natalia just playing with Anthony's fingers as she listened to his heart beat trying to fall back asleep.

"Do you want to talk about it," he asked finally. Natalia shook his head, so he continued. "Sometimes it helps to talk about things, or at least that's what a wise person once told me."

Natalia cracked a smile as she shifted her head to look up at him. "Oh yeah? Must be some insanely smart person."

"Definitely. She's really pretty too."

"Hm, sounds like she's got it all," Natalia joked.

"I do mean it, though. If you want to talk about it, I'm here."

It was quiet again, the only sounds being everyone's breathing and the low sound of the jet's engine. Natalia finally broke the silence as she squeezed Anthony's hand. "Did I ever tell you about the night I left home?"

"No," Anthony said. He knew her home life was complicated, but he also knew he didn't even know half the story.

"I applied everywhere for college, and I mean everywhere. Reno, Nevada, Lexington, Kentucky, Phoenix, Arizona, New York- everywhere. I just knew I needed to get away. I had the grades for it. I had worked so hard to make sure that I gave myself options," Natalia paused as she smiled softly. "Even then, I didn't think I'd get what I really wanted. I applied to Chicago for the program, but also for my friends."

Natalia sighed as her smile dropped. "I came home one night from cheer practice super excited because I was waiting for my letter. I knew decisions were coming soon, and I was just waiting for that one letter. I remember when I got home, the first thing I did was get the mail, and there it was- my letter. I was so excited to finally open it. When I got inside my house, my mom was in the living room watching tv. She was drinking wine, I remember, and she was asking me the usual questions on practice but I was barely focusing, too interested in my letter. I remember the pure feeling of joy I got when I opened it and read the 'congratulations!' I literally screamed, making my mom get up and look."

Natalia let out a small laugh as she shook her head. Anthony squeezed her hand again to comfort her.

"When she saw what it was, she slammed her wine glass on the counter so hard it broke and it stained my practice uniform. She took my letter and ripped it to shreds right in front of me. She just lost it that night telling me I couldn't leave. The only other time I had seen her that livid was when I said I was breaking up with Chase. I was so hurt, and so determined that I packed up my stuff and left that same day. I went to Jess' house and stayed there until graduation."

"You never told me you left home before college," Anthony said, shocked at the sudden revelation.

Natalia shrugged softly. "It's not something I like talking about. It tore up what little confidence I had in myself for the longest time. She told me I wouldn't make it without her, and for a while, I felt like that was true."

"You're so much more than that, Natalia," Anthony reassured, grabbing her face in his hands. "I mean look at you now. You're in Chicago studying at one of the most prestigious schools in the country, so close to making all your dreams come true. You've done it all without her. I'm proud of you."

Natalia's eyes brightened instantly as the words I'm proud of you rang through her head. They were words she hadn't heard in years. Her mother never failed to remind her what a failure she saw her as, and even her father never seemed to say the words to her.

"I'm so unbelievably proud of you, Natalia Grey."

"Thank you for not using my middle name," Natalia laughed softly. Anthony joining her, knowing how much she hated it.

"Well, not everyone has such a unique middle name, Nat," Anthony joked, Natalia smacking his arm.

"You ruined the moment!"


hello my loves :)

happy belated thanksgiving ❤️ grateful to have all of you wonderful readers bearing w me on this journey

love gab

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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