55|When Bridezilla Attacks

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"What do you mean our venue was bought out," cried Jessie as she looked over helplessly at Kris who stood behind her.

"I mean someone offered the hotel more money, and boom- it's gone," Adriana replied as she made odd gestures with her hands.

Natalia and Anthony stood off to the side sharing a knowing look.

They had been at this for the past 15 minutes and Jessie still couldn't comprehend that the venue had been taken, and Kris had yet to calm her down.

"How much longer before KB breaks this up," Kylie asked the two as she watched the two girls repeat the cycle over again.

"I say another 5 minutes," Natalia shrugged.

"Nah, another 15," Anthony answered. "Let's face it, Jess wears the pants here."

Natalia raised a brow at her boyfriend and smirked slightly. "Who wears the pants here," she asked him teasingly.

"We both do," he joked, and quickly turned back to the scene in front of them.

"We have a solution though, Jess," Adriana yelled out.

"What solution? My wedding is ruined," Jessie yelled back.

"KB, man up and do something," Natalia exclaimed as she nudged a helpless Kris.

"Baby- babe, listen to her. They have a solution," Kris pleaded with a nearly crying Jessie. "Let's hear her out, okay?"

"Thank you, KB," Adriana sighed as she turned back to Jessie. "We found another venue that's basically the same thing. They're willing to do the same stuff the other one was- and all at a lower price. They're ecstatic to host the Cubs at the hotel."

"Wait, so you used the famous card," Anthony asked with a small laugh.

"What? It worked didn't it," Adriana asked as she nonchalantly shrugged. "It gets you places, okay? Besides, don't act like you haven't used it."


"Actually," Natalia cut in, "he used it last night when all the dinner reservations were full in the hotel and they wouldn't seat us."

"Now who wears the pants," she teasingly whispered in his ear as he grumbled quietly- though he couldn't argue that a majority of the time everyone was right: he was totally whipped.

"Like Adriana said, it works," he shrugged.

"Enough about your dinners and names," Jessie groaned. "Where is this new venue? I'm not agreeing to anything until we see it."

"I can schedule a tour with them," Kylie offered, only to hear Natalia's scoff.

"I'm not going to Vegas again until the wedding. There's no need for me to be there."

"Nat, come on! I can't pick the venue without my maid of honor's approval," Jessie pleaded, only to receive a shake of her head from Natalia.

"Even if I wanted to go, I have to go back to Chicago anyway. My last session starts soon," Natalia defended.

"Fine," Jessie agreed, "but you will FaceTime me when I'm there!"

"Absolutely," Natalia agreed, letting out a small breath.

Vegas was the last place on her mind at the moment.

As much as she had missed Anthony, she wanted nothing more than to be back in Chicago with the cold weather and silence. Ever since arriving in Arizona, it was like her life was no longer her own. Everyone wanted a piece of her and she was bored of it already.

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