Chapter 13

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It was Monday afternoon, and I was on my way home. Wes and I had arranged for Shayla and the boys to all meet us for dinner and a fancy restaurant downtown Tuesday evening. That's when we planned to tell them that this was no longer an act, and we'd be publicly announcing our relationship on Wednesday on Fox TV. My life was looking good. I have an amazing boyfriend and a great job.

I pulled into my apartment parking lot and was swarmed by paparazzi as I walked to the door. They were snapping pictures and yelling things at random. It wasn't until I was face to face with one of them that it caught my attention.

"Brianna, give me two minutes you won't regret it." She smiled.

"Not a chance." I snorted trying to go around her.

"At least tell me how you feel about this." She held out an envelope.

Curiosity took the best of me and I took it from her hand. I opened it and my heart sank. They were pictures of Wes and Carly. Not from a long time ago either. I know because he was wearing the clothes I saw him in last night when I left. He wasn't cheating on me really, but why would he not tell me he was going with her. I flipped through the photos seeing one of his hand close to Carly's ass and I felt like exploding. The reporters took more photos of me crying, and when I realized it I had a small breakdown.

"I'm counting to three and whoever is still near me when I get there will be punched hard enough to bruise your fucking grand kids!" I shouted. They surprisingly started leaving as I counted. All except the lady who'd given me the photos. She waited there just looking at me sadly. "Where'd you get these?"

"I took them last night at around one in the morning down by the pier." She said softly.

"Please don't print these." I begged. The more I thought though the madder I got about it. "It's not how it looks at all!"

"What do you mean? It looks like Wes is a cheating jerk." She said.

"Well he isn't. They're just friends and he was just hanging out with her." I clarified.

"Then why were you upset?" She smirked knowing she had me.

"Fine! You know what, fine! Wes isn't even my boyfriend! It was all fake! He still loves her and he used me to get her back, and to gain publicity! How about you put that in you damn magazine." I threw the photos to the ground and stormed past her and up into my apartment.

I thought about calling Wes but I had something far better in mind. Sure I felt bad about what I said to the reporter, but he should've been honest with me. If he can't tell me about his then what would he do when something really big happened?

"Brianna why are you in your room listening to sad music on repeat? If I hear Taylor Swift's White Horse again I'll come choke you!" Shayla banged on my locked bedroom door.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" She pounded again.

I paused the sappy love songs and sighed. "I can't talk about it." I said near tears.

"Does it have anything to do with those reporters outside?" She asked fiddling with the door knob and managing to get it unlocked.

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

"Trick I learned from Drew. Now don't avoid the subject." She sat down on the edge of my bed.

"What would you do if Drew hung out with another girl after you left?" I asked.

"I'd buy a round of tequila shots and applaud him. He hasn't dated anyone since Claire." She laughed.

"Seriously Shay, I know you like him. You're telling me you wouldn't be upset at all?" I asked.

"Well no, I mean we aren't together." She shrugged.

"But if you were?" I asked.

"Then I'd be mad! Now what's this about?" She demanded.

"Nothing. I'm tired now, can we just talk tomorrow at dinner?" I asked praying she'd agree.

"Fine." She sighed.

She left me in my room alone to over think everything. Am I blowing this out of proportion! Am I being crazy? Wes texted me at least ten times and I ignored him. I couldn't bring myself to yell at him, because I know he can smooth talk his way out of me being mad. He's got another thing coming tomorrow though. I can't believe this!

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