Seokjin ~ Story time

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You clapped your hands, "Listen up. I am sick to death of cleaning up your messes! I get that your idols and everything but at least make an effort to clean up guys."

"Alright, alright. We get it." Yoongi raised his hands up in defeat, "As a thank you for cleaning up, what do you wanna do later?"

You shrugged, "I don't know... story time." You smirked.

"Story time? Isn't that like for four year olds?" Jimin asked, laughing a little bit.

I sat down and shook my head, "That my friend, Is where you're wrong. The way I play it... it's sinister." Namjoon raised an eyebrow, "Its not just a story, it's a horror story. A gruesome story. So, let me put it this way, who can come up with the scariest story?"

"That's how you play it?" Hoseok laughed, "Interesting..."

"But like... how scary is scary?" Jungkook asked. You smiled, you have to protect the innocent one.

"As scary as it can get." You said, "It's quite simple really but it's best when it's played at night... so what're we gonna do until then?"

"Hide n seek? But we close all the curtains and turn off the lights, the seeker has a knife and the hiders and basically the victims." Yoongi said, "It's quite simple really."


"Yes!" You and Taehyung screamed.

"Who's the seeker...?" Jungkook asked and you raised your hand.

"Game on." You closed your eyes while everyone scattered to turn off the lights and close the curtains. After about twenty minutes you went to look for them, with a knife in your hand. Everything was silent so you, being you, decided to whistle the American horror story whistle. "Come out, come out wherever you are..." You stopped walking and tried to smell them.

You heard some sliding sounds behind you and turned around, you reached out and felt someone. "Found you." You said, in a scary voice.

"Jesus Christ almighty that was terrifying." Tae said, "Found anyone else yet?"

"Nope.. we'll split up, you take down here and I'll take upstairs." He nodded and walked off, leaving you to go and find the others.

You found Namjoon and Hoseok within a few seconds of going upstairs, by the looks of it, they were changing their places but got caught in the process.
"Little birdy's song is made, by pecking holes in trees." You began to sing as you looked for the remaining four, "Willows, cedars, sycamores and proud oaks reduces to cheese..."

You heard whispering and turned around, you saw a shadow move you and tapped them. "Yoongi!"


"3 more to go."

"I found Jimin!" Tae called up, I snorted and Jimin shook his head.

"Jimin, I was routing for you!" Yoongi yelled.

"Shut up, it was inevitable!" I laughed.

"Now.. Seokjin and Jungkook." You looked everywhere for them, except your room. Why would they be in there? No idea, but you checked anyway.

"I swear-"

"Aha! I found you!" You yelled, "Why're you in here? Of all places..."

It was finally dark outside, "Okay guys, who's going first?" Yoongi raised his hand, "Okay cool."

"You're doing what you usually do, sitting down and reading. The house is quiet, you're quiet. Nothing could be heard." You lay back on my bed as Yoongi continues, "Nothing could be heard, except one thing. That my friend, was a small tap on the window."

You smirked, seeing where this was going. Yoongi took a breath and carried on, "You looked up from your book, but you saw nothing. Another tap, but from the window in the kitchen. You turned around and once again saw nothing. Standing up, you looked around you. Nothing or no one was there. Or at least you thought, until there was a tap on your shoulder."

"Dang..." Jimin said, "Imagine that. That'd be terrifying!"

"Wouldn't it?" Namjoon said.

You snorted, "My go?" Everyone nodded, "You're walking through the park when you get a message. The message reads '10'. You're confused, but you don't reply. Thirty minutes later, someone calls your name from behind you. You turn around and saw no one." I sighed, "Then the next message appears, '9'."


"Shut up." You said, "At this point, you were a little scared. What was this person counting down for? Why? You started to hurry up on your way home but the quicker you got, the quicker the messages got."

You added a small pause, creating suspense. "Before you knew it, the numbers were going from nine to four and now it's at one. But there was no zero." You smirked, "Confused you were, you opened your front door but it was not home. It was a bloodbath. Blood splattered the walls, floors and somehow ceilings. You called out for your friends, siblings, parents anyone but you got no reply. You walked up stairs with tears in your eyes and when you opened the door, there it was. Zero was written in your friends blood on the wall."

"Holy mother of Jesus on a ham sandwich." Seokjin said, stuttering a little. The room was silent, you probably scared them with your story.

After all, this whole challenged was to see who could tell the scariest stories, by the looks of it, you had already won. "I can't beat that, I quit." Jungkook raised his hands, "There's no way I'll be able to come up with something like that."

Jimin chuckled, "Well if you think that scary, just imagine waking up and the whole entire of Bangtan is dead." Your eyes widened and the room fell silent.

"Jimin... you're going to get me paranoid... don't you ever say that again." You said slowly, looking into his eyes.

You all carried on with funny stories, scary stories or just embarrassing ones. It was really fun for all of you, "So when I was younger-" You were cut off by your phone buzzing.


"Which one of you guys are fucking with me?" You said but everyone shook their head and raised their hands. "Oh well, they can come and kill me. Like I care."


"As I was saying, when I was younger, I used to always have this habit of biting my hand. I don't know why but I just did, so when I watched attack on Titan a few years later, I got back into that habit but literally had to go hospital because my bite mark got infected." I snorted.

"Did it hurt? It sounds painful..." Yoongi said. You shrugged and tried again. "What are-"

"Nope. Not now anyway..."

"You're so weird." Jimin said.

Tae laughed, "So there's two weird ones now?"

"As a matter of fact, we are all weird. Some more than others," You looked at Tae and then Jimin, "Others are more mature." You looked at Yoongi and then Namjoon. "And then there's me."

"What about you?"

"I'm a potato. I creepy sweet potato that you all want a taste of."

Hope you enjoyed !

Just wanna warn you for the next Yoongi one ... good luck

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