Namjoon ~ It's over

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When you doubt something that was once so perfect, you know that somewhere, something has gone wrong. That something has gone too wrong... but you don't even know what that something was. The first time you did it was like a month ago, you sat down to yourself and said 'Is he really worth this?' But you never gave yourself an answer. You still don't know why right now, you just.. don't feel right with him anymore. And no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't change that. "Hey, you seem a little down... are you okay?" Namjoon asked, you tensed up when you heard his voice.

"Oh? Mhmm, I'm okay.. are you?" Why won't this feeling go away?

"Yeah I guess, do you want to get lunch or stay in and watch a movie?" He asked.

The feeling of falling out of love really hurts.

"Can we stay inside, if that's not a problem?" Namjoon nodded and you smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome sunshine," He kissed the top of your head. The feeling you got in your stomach was pain, you really didn't want to hurt Namjoon but you didn't really have a choice. "Are you okay? Honestly, you don't seem like it."

"Yeah I'm one hundred percent fine hun, do I really seem that sad?" You chuckled, "Sorry 'bout that!"

"Nah it's good, as long as you're actually okay?" Namjoon said as a question, you nodded. "So, got anything in mind for today?"

"No actually I had nothing in mind,  I have no idea what I wanna do.." You laughed nervously. "Which is kinda sad."

You wanted to let everything out, but you couldn't. You can't hurt Namjoon, you really can't but isn't it normal for someone to fall out of love? Isn't it just one big game? You wanted to fall in love again, you wanted to say the words 'I love you' with meaning but you couldn't and you can't, you won't. Nothing is the same as it was when the two of you began to date, you hate how you feel like this. Love wasn't... it isn't... you don't feel it. Not with Namjoon, not anymore. "Talk to me baby, you're not okay."

Yet he still asks about your health, how you are, about your dad, he loves you.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." You said, you turned around and walked out the front door. You didn't turn back no matter how many times your name was called, you felt bad. You felt like absolute shit. But you couldn't do anything about it.

You picked up your phone and called Jimin, he picked up within two rings. "Hello?"

"Is everything alright?" He said with concern in his voice.

"No nothing is alright." You said while sitting down somewhere. "I just ran out on Namjoon."

"Are you alright with him...?" Jimin asked.

"I don't... I don't like him like that anymore and I don't know what happened, I don't have a single clue what went wrong."

"Hey hey, calm down. I'm away from the others now, what do you mean?" Jimin asked, "Are you saying you've fallen out-"

"Of love... Jimin, I've fallen out of love with the boy of my dreams." You said through tears, "I don't feel the same anymore and I don't know why."

"Things like this happen, it's normal.. did something happen between you?"

"We've become distant, there isn't that spark anymore, there is nothing but friendship and ... I don't want to hurt him like this." A tear rolled down your cheek, "I don't know what to do anymore..."

"This will hurt him and you, it will hurt him so much more if he still loves you and I am so so sorry for saying it..." Jimin drew in a breath, "You have to breakup."

"I don't want to hurt him!"

This is becoming your worst nightmare, from the beginning... you never wanted to hurt Namjoon. But by the end of it, you don't have a choice anymore. "Y/N, he'll understand... I'm sure of it."

"Promise?" You said.

"Promise... we need to carry on with practice, I'll see you later!" He said, "Please text me."

"Will do, have fun." You ended the phone call, your head snapped up when you heard your name. You looked up and saw Namjoon, he had a worried look on his face and you immediately started to cry.

"What's up? What aren't you telling me...?" He didn't sit down next to you, he didn't even move. "You have to tell me... you have to."

"I-" You took a breath but started to cry again, "What does... someone do... when they fall out of love?" Namjoon didn't move, he didn't say anything. He just looked at you with a face that read 'Heartbroken'.


"What does someone do, when they fall out of love with the man of their dreams?" You asked again, a little clearer this time.

"I know what you said..." He whispered, "You.. you've fallen out of love?"

"Namjoon I'm sorry, I don't know what happened..." This time he sat next to you, he wrapped his arms around your shoulder.

"I- I understand, it's not your fault... we've been off lately and I've felt it," He wiped away his tears and your heart just dropped, "It's okay..."

"No, it's not because I didn't want to hurt you and I have-"

"You haven't... because part of me felt the same way..."

You couldn't believe it.

This was it.

"Oh." You said, you weren't sad about it... you were relieved. "What are we supposed to do now?"

"Well.. we'll remember our memories.. because there's a lot of good ones," He smiled, "Like when we made ice cream..."

"When I went to your first ever concert..." You chuckled.

"When you met the guys."

"When we kissed..."

"But we can't have that, and that's okay.." Namjoon smiled, "Love isn't for everyone is it, Y/N?"

You chuckled, "Maybe not.. and I've learned the accept that, it's alright. Can we still be friends?"

"Of course we can dipshit." You lightly punched his shoulder, "Ow?"

It was finally over.
In a good way though.

"Hey... now what?" Namjoon said.

"It's over... I guess, but that's okay."

It was more than okay.


I love y'all

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