The midnight man ~ Everyone

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A game is just a game, but this isn't a game. This is a ritual. Well, the Midnight Game is an old pagan ritual, used mainly as punishment for those who have broken the laws of the pagan religion in question.
While it was mainly used and a scare tactic to not disobey the gods, there is still a very existent chance of death to those who play the Midnight Game. There is an ever higher chance of permanent mental scarring. It is highly recommended that you DO NOT PLAY THE GAME.

However, you and the guys are thrill seekers. You want to feel that rush, and so do they. But do so at your own risk... "Here are the rules to the game but before we start, none of you have any idea what it is right?" You asked and everyone shook there head, "Fantasic."

You mustn't play the game... because if you fail...

"It must be exactly twelve am when we begin the game, otherwise it won't work..." You said, "Each of us will need a candle, a piece of paper, a pen, a lighter, salt, a wooden door... my bedroom door, and a drop of our own blood." A groan could be heard from Jungkook.

"You mean.. you want us to bleed for this? This is like full on voodoo." He said and you nodded your head, "What the heck?"

"Step one, write your first, middle and last name on a piece of paper. Put at least one drop of blood on the paper and let it soak in, we'll use thumbtacks," You said, nodding, "Step two, turn of all the lights in the house, Go to the wooden door, we then need to place the paper with our names on it in front of the door. Light the candle and put it on our pieces of paper, no one else's."

"This sounds pretty cool." Namjoon said.

"Step three, we need to knock on the door twenty two times but the final knock must be on twelve. Then open the door, blow out your candle, leave the room and close the door. This just allowed the Midnight Man to enter our home," You sighed, "Immediately relight the candle. This is where the game begins, we must now lurk around the now completely dark house, trying to avoid the Midnight man. Our only light source until three thirty-three am is our candle. If that candle goes out, if means the Midnight Man is near, you have ten seconds to relight the candle and if you succeed, carry on with the game. If you fail, surround yourself in a circle of salt until the end time."

"That's long that." Jin said.

"But warning, if you use the salt that means you've automatically lost the game... meaning you need to play again another night. If the Midnight Man is near you, you will feel a sudden drop in temperature, seeing a pure black, humanoid figure in the darkness, red eyes, and hearing very soft whispering from an unknown source." Chills ran up your spine, "If you experience any of these, leave that room immediately to continue avoiding the Midnight Man."

Yoongi cleared his throat, "You want us to haunt our house... the one place I very rarely leave?" He sighed, "Fuck sake."

"But remember, do not turn on any lights. Do not use a flashlight. Do not fall asleep. Do not attempt to use your blood on someone else's name. Do not use a lighter as a substitute for the candle, it won't work. And please definitely do NOT provoke or taunt the Midnight Man in anyway. Even when the game is over... he'll always be watching. Good luck, you're going to need it."

"Is that actually what it said?" Hobi asked, he leaned over and checked, "Holy shit."

"I got us everything, we just need to write our name..." Everyone did so, "Add a drop of blood..." After a few minutes of whining, everyone did do. "And light our candle." Again, everyone did so. Once all the lights were off, You continued.

"Then we place the paper and candles by the door.." Everyone repeated after you, your heart was racing. This game can go horribly wrong, horribly fast. You stayed silent but walked out the room, knocking on the door twenty two times along with everyone else.

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The final knock was on exactly twelve am. "Let the games begin." You opened the door and blew out your candle, and everyone did too. You then relight it and put the salt in your pocket. "We have to keep moving, after all... we're here until three."

The house was eerily silent, and everything was going fine until Jimin stopped walking and started to stare at the chandelier. "Are any windows open?" His voice was shaky but at the same time, it was calm.

"No...?" You said, turning around to see what he was staring at. The chandelier was there, swinging at full force. "It's not even an hour in... right guys we need to carry on moving..."

This isn't a game.

Namjoon and Taehyung stopped walking and snapped there heads backwards, "Guys shut up.." Namjoon whispered and we all did so, "It sounds like footsteps coming from upstairs.."

"Oi, Mr Midnight Man Whatever bullshit, fuck off you dickwa-" You cut Yoongi off.

"Yoongi! Are you fucking insane! Don't do that!" A loud bang could be heard from upstairs, "We need to move goddamn!"

"Sorry..." He muttered, Yoongi's candle went out, "Fuck!" He yelled while trying to relight it. Eventually he got it within about five seconds. "Okay I won't do that ever again."

It was about 1am now, nothing much has happened yet. None of you have gone upstairs because your too scared to see what happened. You stopped walking and turned around, "What luck would it be if siri worked during this game?"

"Are you really gonna try that?" Jungkook asked, "Because I'm down for that..."

You pulled out your phone and smirked, "Fuck yeah!" You pressed the home button, "Hey siri."

Why did you stop moving?

"Uhm?" Hobi questioned.

"Siri, how are you?" You asked.

Play the game

"What if we don't?" Yoongi asked and Siri caught onto this. But there wasn't an answer, just the sound of a glass shatter. A small scream escaped your mouth but you still continued to ask it another question.

"What should we do?"

Turn around

All of you snapped your heads behind you and stepped back a little when you saw a shadow. A second it was there, another second it was not.

He's going to get you he's going to get you he's going to get you

The lights started flickering on and off, candles were blowing out and relighting again. But there was one thing that made all of you scream, "I'm always watching.." There was a whisper.

You dropped your candle and turned on the lights, "This is it! I'm done with this fucking game! I don't know what's going to happen now but- but it's over early! No fuck this!" You turned to face the boys but they were all staring at the kitchen.

You looked over slowly and gasped.

All the cabinets were open, contents were spilled everywhere and there was a note in some sort of red liquid on the counter:

Always. Watching.

You ran upstairs and screamed when you got to your room, everything was upside down or open. You started to shake.

You ended the game early ... you turned on the lights...

You're fucked
If you can't tell, there will be a part two

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