Seokjin ~ Finally

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You looked at your parents, "Are you.. are you serious?" They smiled a wide smile.

"Yes! You're going to finally meet him!" You froze, you were finally going to meet your internet boyfriend, Seokjin, after one and a half years.

"Oh... oh my god!" You held back a scream of happiness, "When is this- what- When?!" You were shaking like crazy.
You and Seokjin met over a group chat that one of your friend created a very long time ago, it was a game. You get paired up with someone and if you fall in love within two months, you lose the game.

And surprisingly, you both lost the game.

Ever since then, you've always wanted to meet. You've been close but not close enough, "On Thursday, which is two days away!"

"Omigod..." You were speechless, your parents hugged you and walked out the room. Leaving you to process this, but instead of doing it alone, you skyped Seokjin.
Within a few seconds, he answered it.

"Hey, what's up?" He said, smiling at you.

"I have very big news, good news. Very good news and oh my god." You let out a tiny scream into your hands.

"Oh? I'm listening." He said, leaning closer to the camera.

"I am..." You took in a breath to calm yourself down, "Coming to meet you."

"What!! When?!" Seokjin screamed, and you laughed and then screamed with him.

"In two days!! And my parents even said I can stay with you for a few weeks!" This is where Seokjin choked on his drink.

"Are you serious?!"

"One hundred percent!!" You were finally going to meet the love of your life and nothing could prepare you for it.

"Oh my god." He laughed, "I can't believe it... I'm finally going to see you!" He looked in your eyes through the screen, "I can finally kiss you..."

A blush spread onto your face, "And I can finally kiss back." He blushed this time, the two of you continued to talk for the rest of the night.
By the time you were finished, it was already 4pm the next day.

"Gotta pack!" You said, yelling into the reflection. You picked up two suitcases and filled them with everything you'd need, ranging from shower stuff to clothes. Butterflies filled your stomach when you were done, you were extremely nervous.
After all this time, and all these promises that you two were going to meet, it's finally becoming a reality.

And a very beautiful reality at that.

While you were on your way to the airport, all these questions began to enter and fly around your brain. What if no one else knew about you? What if you made a complete fool of yourself? What if he didn't like the real life you?
After an hour or two, you were on the plane and ready to meet your boyfriend.

He said he'd meet you at the airport, so you sent him one last message.


S: Haha, I'll see you soon bby!

You smiled at his response, finally.

You stepped off of the plane and grabbed your luggage, you still were processing that you're here. Meeting Seokjin for the first time. And to be honest, it felt like a dream.

Y/N: Landed, where chu @?

S: Turn around

You turned around and saw him stood there, you dropped your luggage and ran up to him, he caught you and spun your around. "Oh my god..." You whispered into the crook of his neck, Seokjin smelt like the forest, like a magical forest that has been blessed with the power of Jesus Christ himself.

He let you down and smiled at you, looking into your eyes. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long... now, shall we go home princess?" The nickname made your heart flutter.

"We shall my dear prince." All the way there you couldn't stop staring at him, he was amazing. Everything about him was amazing, his voice, his eyes, his humour... it was all perfect. And it was all yours. The journey was short and sweet, but it felt like forever when you were stood by Seokjin.

He opened the door and let you inside first, helping you with your bags. "Woah.." You mumbled, looking at the gorgeous house that this gorgeous boy lives in. "It's beautiful."

"Like you." He said, smiling. "I'm going to take these upstairs into my room, is that okay?"

"Yeah sure, please be careful though." He smiled.

You explored downstairs for a while, the kitchen was bigger than (probably) anyone will to live on Tumblr. The front room could house the majority of Russia.
Everything in here was perfect, so very perfect.

"I'm guessing you like it here? I cleaned it-"

"It's perfect, but you really didn't need to outdo yourself you muffin."

"I'm a muffin? So... if I eat a muffin is that cannibalism?" He chuckled and you giggled. "Your giggle in person is so much more magical than it is over a Skype call."

Butterflies formed in your chest again, "O-oh.." Then a blushed formed on your face. "Dang it, you made me blush. Again."

"Oh well, it's cute." He pulled you into a hug and you melted into it. "I'll introduce you to the others when they get back but for now."

"It's just me and you." You muttered.

"I've been waiting to do this for a long time." You were going to say something but you were interrupted by Seokjins lips.
You melted into the kiss, but you had to pull away so you could breathe. "I love you, Jagi."

"Saranghae.. Jin."

It's short because I want to explain what I'm going to do after I've finished this, I do in fact, have another story planned and I am writing it.
It isn't a oneshot book, no but instead an actual fan fiction.

It's an assassin story, BTS are the assassins and a girl called Rosé, is their target. Basically, you are the girl but in the story your name is Rosé.
I have a few chapters written already and I'm going to continue writing it, all the chapters so far are over 3000 words (30 pages) and I think that they're pretty dang good.

I hope that you guys will like it and I you read it, but for now, here's the cover :)

I hope that you guys will like it and I you read it, but for now, here's the cover :)

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