Jimin ~ One month {.End}

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Those seven days went by extremely slow, of course they would. It usually works that way, when something exciting is happening, time slows the fuck down but if it's the opposite, it'll speed up. You lay down on the sofa, Bandit was lay on your stomach. A small smile spread on your face when you thought about what Jimin had planned for you, because after all, it was a surprise.
There were two days until your birthday now, just 48 hours.

"A few more days, that is all." You mumbled while petting Bandit. He let out a small bark, "Yeah, yeah." You sat up, placing Bandit on the floor. You walked into the kitchen, while being extra careful around Bandit. He was walking beside you, but you're clumsy so you probably would fall on or over him.
You opened the cabinet and got a treat for him, you had been training him to sit. "Bandit, sit." You said, sternly. Bandit sat and you handed him the treat, "Good boy!" While the boys were gone, you and Bandit have grown inseparable. There was no doubt about it now, Bandit was pretty much your puppy. You opened the cabinet and pulled out a packet of chicken flavoured ramen, you opened the packet and put them in a pan of water (that was going to be boiling soon), ramen wasn't really your type of snack but it reminded you of Jimin, so you ate it.

While your ramen was boiling, you attempted to skype Jimin. You were nervous but there wasn't really a point to be as there was no answer. You put down your phone and ate your noodles in silence, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the fork against the bowl and your own breathing. Your mind travelled back to when you first met Jimin, you were walking home from school one day and someone ran into your, causing you to drop your books. "Tae! Ah jeez, I'm so sorry..." Jimin had said to you while picking up your books for you.

You had smiled back, "It's okay..."

"Jimin." He smiled and shook your hand.


The memory of that day would never leave your mind no matter how stupid it was to other people. That was the day you met your prince, your angel, your little mochi bean. You smiled to yourself but then sighed, you really missed him.

J: In two days (your birthday) be at the lake at exactly 10;15am xx

Y/N: Ohkay?

J: It'll be worth it, I love you

Y/N: I love you too

You sighed, this boy would definitely be the death of you.


The day had finally come, you opened up your eyes and smiled. It was finally your birthday, it was finally the day you could see was Jimin had planned for you. You sat up and stretched, once you were fully awake, you walked into the bathroom, stripped down and took a warm shower. You washed your hair and your body, so you were even more awake. Once you were clean, you stepped out and dried off, getting changed into a pair of leggings and one of Jimin's hoodies. You sprayed some perfume on yourself and then went down to make breakfast. You made some toast along with a nice cup of Y/F/D. "Today is gonna be good day." You whispered before taking a bite out of your toast.

You had exactly and hour until you were supposed to be at the lake, so during that time, you decided to take Bandit out for a walk. You opened the door and walk outside with the black lab, once the door was closed behind you, you made your way to the park. You see, you lived in a really nice area, the trees were usually green and the flowers were usually bright but right now, everything was either dead or dying. It was winter now, nature isn't strong enough for that here. The walk with Bandit took longer than expected but after forty minutes, you were home and ready to go to the lake. It was icy, to put it lightly. You didn't notice it earlier because you were wearing boots but now that you have sneakers on, you can feel the ice underneath your feet.

You walked slowly and carefully to the Lake, praying that you don't slip or fall in any way, shape or form. You looked at the floor with every step you took, there was a feeling you get when you know something bad is going to happen. No... you don't know when it's going to happen but you just know.

"Hey Y/N, happy birthday!" The waiter at the coffee shop said, you smiled a thank you and continued on your way.

You arrived at the lake on time, exactly 10:15 just like Jimin had asked. You crossed the street that faced the lake and sat down on the bench. Sure it was cold but your feet hurt so... why not? "Hey princess!" You jumped up at the voice, you saw Jimin waving at you from the other side of the street. Tears formed in your eyes as you ran to him, but in the corner of your eye, you saw a truck losing its grip on the road and within second, it was on its side and ready to hit a crossing Jimin. "Look out!" You screamed while pushing him out of the way.

The last thing you heard was a scream and then darkness took you in as its own.


Once I had just processed what happened, I stood up and looked for Y/N, only to realise that the body on the floor was hers. I slowly walked over to her and held back a gag at what I say, her limbs were all twisted and broken, blood was pouring out of her head and mouth. "No.. no no! It's alright baby- I promise it's fine... Someone call an ambulance! Please tell them to hurry!"

I thought she was fine, I thought she'd be out of the hospital within a few days but of course I was wrong. She died on impact, pronounced dead at the scene and all I did was sit on a stupid bench hoping that this was a dream, that all of this was one big nightmare.
I looked down at my shaky hands and just cried, I didn't do anything else other than cry.

I was pacing the hallways on the hospital before I heard my name, "Park Jimin?" A nurse said.

I stood up and walked over to her but she just sat me down, and took a seat herself. Pity was buried in her eyes but her facial expression said otherwise. "We tried our best, we honestly did but... there was no way we could save her from that." I nodded, swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

My word just started to collapse, everything around me was caving in but I still acted okay.

I don't understand how I can still act fine.

Weeks passed, I opened up Skype on my Laptop and called Y/N. I frowned, "You're not going to get an answer... Jimin please-"

"I know I'm not going to get an answer Tae." I said, looking down.

"Then why-"

"Because I made a promise... to Skype her everyday..." Tears formed in my eyes, "And I'm going to keep that promise until I go home."

I hate myself with a burning passion

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