Seokjin ~ Forests

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You looked up at the plane that was passing by the house, you wondered about where it was going and how far away it was from its destination. Flying was something that intrigued yet scared you, you were scared about the plane failing and crashing but you were happy about getting the chance to be able to fly. Once it was out of sight, you diverted your gaze to the chem trails. There were so many conspiracy theories about them, why're they there? Why do they change the mood of people? Why?

And to be honest, you kinda believed them. What if the government put some sort of chemical that can control us in them? Maybe that's why we see them so much. You remember reading a story about it, this guy remembered being outside and the sky was clear, the next thing you know,  a plane went over, Chem trails were spotted and pretty much everyone was fighting. But what did it mean? "Hey, what're you thinking of?" Seokjin asked, sitting next to you.

"Chem trail conspiracy theories," You said, sighing. "There's some truth in them, there has to be."

"You're right there, whether it's the full truth or not, there is in fact a truth in there somewhere." He nodded, you leaned your head against his shoulder. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just needed warmth from a special human." You smiled slightly, "And your warm, and also my special human." Seoknin wrapped his arm around you, this is was safety felt like. Everything was chilled out, relaxed and safe.

"Do you want to go somewhere today? Just the two of us?" Seokjin asked.

"Where would we go?" You asked, and he chuckled.

"There's a forest I used to go to all the time, I know my way around too," He kissed the top of your head making you feel all warm and bubbly. "Would you like to go?"

"Yeah, it sounds fun." The two of you stood up, you looked in the mirror and sorted your hair out. Everything else you were wearing was perfect, "Lead the way, my prince."

"Your prince? So I'm not Mr Worldwide Handsome anymore?" Seokjin chuckled and you lightly hit his shoulder.

"You'll always be worldwide handsome whether you think so or not." You smiled as the two of you walked out the door. Seokjin took your hand in his, a smile was plastered on your face. "How many times did you go to this mystical forest?" You asked.

"A lot, I usually came here to let out emotions. I'd listen to music through my headphones and I'd read a book, take photos or draw," He explained, "Either way, the more I came, the more it became a second home for me."

"That's kinda sweet," You said, "How come you stopped going?"

"Because I met the best people in the world. The six boys that can help me through as much as they possibly can, and if they can't, they'll try harder to get there." He smiled, "And then there's you, you can help me through everything without fail. You know exactly what to say and you know exactly how to make me feel better when I'm low, and thank you so much for that."

"I love you, Jin." You said, squeezing his hand slightly. "I hope you never forget that."

"It's impossible to forget princess, I promise you." He chuckled, "The entrance is at the end of this road." You nodded and walked along the street with him, you could see the trees and a small wave of relief came over you. "You can get lost in here very quickly, do not walk away."

"Got it, how many times have you gotten lost in here?" You asked, nervous about his answer.

"About three or four, the last time I got lost, people had to come and find me." A nervous chuckle came from Seokjin, "I was in here for a day or two, just wandering around hoping someone found me but then again I wanted to be here." You wrapped your arm around his waist.

"If you ever went missing, everyday of my life I would try and find you." You said, "I won't stop looking until you're found,"

"But what if you find me dead?"

"Then I would kill the person who killed you." You stated while looking at a very bright flower.

"What if that person was me?" He asked. You stopped walking and put your hands on your hips.

"I don't think so!" You said, "There is no way in hell am I even letting you go out alone after hearing you say that! Do you understand how much we'd all miss you?"

"Yeah I know, I just- it was only a question." Seokjin said, taking a photo of a few flowers. "You know I wouldn't hurt you guys like that."

A small smile spread out on your lips, "Maybe so."

A few moments of silence passed by as the two of you ventured deeper into the forest. It was pretty, Seokjin didn't lie about that. The vibe it gave you.. was odd? It was relaxing but you were also nervous about not getting out without a bad memory.
You were calm but your mind was racing about all the bad scenarios. "And this is where I used to sit." Seokjin said, sitting down and leaning against a tree.

"That looks comfy." You said, rolling your eyes and you walked around and looked for something to take a photo of. After a few minutes, you did. The photos looked pretty good too. "Jin?"


"Just making sure you're still here and didn't decide to leave," You said. You heard footsteps and later felt an arm around your waist.

"And why would I do that?" Now it was your time to stutter and stumble over your words, "Do you really think I'll just get up and walk away?"

"No I just-"

"Y/N, you're a little stupid if you think that." He rolled his eyes and you looked down at the floor, pouting slightly. "I love you with all my heart, if I walked away from you, I'd be walking away from me. From us. And sunshine, I can't bring myself to even think about that."

Seokjin placed a finger underneath your chin and lifted your head up, "Head up princess, if you look down your tiara will fall." You smiled, "That's my princess!"

"You nerd." But no matter what you said, you loved this bean with all your heart. You always will. He placed his lips onto yours and your heart skipped a beat.

Maybe you don't need a tiara, maybe all you need is Kim Seokjin.

I feel lost.

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