Jungkook ~ Cuts

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You slid on your jacket slowly, you felt the material rub over your fresh cuts, they began to sting but once your jacket was on the pain disappeared. You made sure your blades were hidden as well as your arms, Jungkook couldn't find out about this... he'd kill the people that made you feel like this. "Morning Jungkook." You said, giving Jungkook a kiss on the head.

"Morning, cupcake," He smiled, "How'd you sleep?"

"Decent, I guess.. what about you?" You asked while making yourself a drink.

"Round about the same, it was cold last night too." You nodded, "You're a little quiet today, is everything alright?" You nodded again.

"Yeah, everything's fine," You smiled and took a sip of your drink, "Do you want anything?" Jungkook stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist before kissing your cheek.

"No thanks princess," He smirked against your skin and you chuckled, "Bur I do want you."

"Too bad, you can't have me." You fell to your knees and crawled away, once you were far enough, you stood up and stretched.

"Hey! Why not?" Jungkook asked, coming after you. "I'm welcoming you in with open arms, why can't I have you?"

"Because," You could either fuck things up right now, or get away with it, "I got shit to hide."

"Oh really? Like what? A new tattoo?" Jungkook raised and eyebrow and you smirked, "Wait what? Really?"

"Of course not! Do you really think I leave the house long enough to get a tattoo?" You sat down on the sofa and Bandit jumped up to sit with you, "Do you even know me?" Jungkook sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"Of course I do baby, why wouldn't I?" You kissed Jungkook and he smiled, "Atta girl!" You chuckled and lay on Jungkook, the truth was... you barely slept and you were hella freaking tired. The more and more you lay there the more and more you were falling asleep. After five more minutes you were fast asleep, the last thing you could hear was the sound of Jungkooks heartbeat.

This is peaceful.
And empty.

Peaceful and empty.

I like it.

You woke up on the sofa but Jungkook wasn't there, you sighed and stretched. "Baby?" You called out but of course there wasn't an answer, you stood up and walked around the house with a blanket wrapped around you. "Jungkook?" Your stomach began to do twists and turns. Minutes went past but Jungkook still wasn't found, you walked in the back yard, upstairs and in the attic but he wasn't there.

"Jungkook, where are you?" You began to shake but something inside you kept you calm, you walked into your room and sat down on your bed. You sighed, "What the heck?"

A second later, Jungkook walked out from your bathroom and he let out a scream, "Oh my god!"

You jumped up and turned around, placing a shaky hand on your heart. "Oh.. my god Jungkook, I thought you died.." Jungkook fell to the floor in a fit of laughter, "How can you laugh?"

"Because you fell asleep and I.. I went to take a shower but-" He took deep breaths and calmed himself down, "You thought I died!"

"I was worried about you!" You laughed, Jungkook stood up with a loose towel wrapped around his crotch and only his crotch. He pulled you into a hug, but one you realised he hugged you with both arms.. "You're towel fell down didn't it...?"

Jungkook smirked, "Yeah it did..." He shoved you onto the bed in a playful manner, he walked over to the door and locked it. "And what would it matter babygirl?"

"Well maybe because I still got shit to hide!" You rolled off the bed and zipped up your jacket, "And you are not finding out!"

Jungkook laughed and picked up his towel, "Alright I got it! Now, are you gonna leave while I get dressed?" You raised your hands and walked out.

You should die.

He doesn't fucking deserve you, he deserves us

Fat pig, how the fuck can you even eat food? Lmao disgusting

You picked up your phone and read all these messages, every single one was worse than the last one and every single one brought out even more emotions. You walked up to your room and gently closed the door, you sat on your bed with tear filled rooms. You wanted to ignore the messages popping up every few seconds but that's like wanting to not breathe for a year and survive, you can't. You ended up logging into twitter and tweeting.

'That's it, you win'

People were concerned but the majority of them just laughed, you locked the bathroom door and skilfully took apart the razor and the box of blades was still in your room, you took the sharpest blade from there and took off your jacket, you sat leaning against the bath. "This is it, you win." You muttered while sliding the blade across your wrist, blood was shown but not enough to satisfy you.
Every message that told you to die, you cut two times, each deeper than the last.

Every message that told you that you were fat, you cut 4 times.

Every message that said you weren't good enough for Jungkook. You dug deep.

After thirty minutes, you were sat in your own small puddle of blood. Your eye sight was fuzzy and you couldn't think straight, everything was a mess. The blade you had was somewhere on the floor... the sanity you had was completely gone.

Someone tried to open the door, "Sorry!" It was Jungkooks voice, "Hello, is anyone in here?" You wanted to reply, but you couldn't. You wanted to say 'I'm in here' but you couldn't. "Y/N?"


Your phone buzzed and you looked over to see a message from Jungkook.

Are you in the bathroom?
What's your tweet about?
Are you okay?

Message after message.

If you're near the door move, I'm coming in

The door was shoved open, the lock was completely snapped. You looked up to Jungkook with teary eyes. "I'm sorry..."

"Baby.. what have- no no.. baby girl..." Jungkook put his hands on his head, his voice was shaky. "Guys.. guys!" The boys came rushing upstairs because they had never ever heard Jungkook yell like that, once they saw you, everything fell silent.

"Y/N...?" Jimin asked.

"Princess.. can you-" Before he finished the sentence, the world became black. You couldn't hear anything other than:

"Hospital.... quick! It's ... baby"

Hours later you woke up, you felt a really bad stinging sensation in your arm and you hissed in pain. "Y/N?"

"Jungkook." Your voice was raspy and barely audible but he still heard you. "I'm so-"

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped, I couldn't told them to stop. You could've died." He said, you looked at his face. He'd been crying, that was very visible.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think you'd help..." You put your head down in shame, "I gave up."

"Well, no." He said, "Giving up doesn't run through our house. Do you think we got here by giving up? Do you think people like you got through abuse without giving up? No!"

You wiped away a tear, "I know and I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising, I'm just glad you're alive."

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