J-Hope ~ Happy Valentines

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You yawned and closed your eyes, drifting in and out of sleep. It was only 8pm but you were extremely tired because you've been out getting Hoseok a present all day. It was valentines tomorrow, you managed to find the perfect present. You had found a plushie with the word 'HOPE' on it, a wrist band with 'JH' on it and a card. You thought you did pretty well, you were just hoping that Hoseok hasn't forgotten.

"Y/N...? Are you tired?" Hoseok asked you, whispering slightly. You forgot that you were lay on the sofa instead of your bed.

"Hm? Oh.. a little." You giggled a bit then yawned. "Why?"

"You should go to bed if you're tired. I don't want you getting sick." He said, smiling. He helped you up and carried you to bed, placing you down gently. "If you need anything, just call me." He kissed you goodnight.
After five minutes, you were fast asleep.

"No... she's sleeping." Hoseok said quietly, you turned over a little. "Don't mention anything, I spent a lot of money on it."

"So.. you're hoping she says-"

"Yes." You opened your eyes.

"What're are you..." You mumbled but then closed your eyes again, falling asleep.

Oh well...

You opened your eyes, you looked over to your left and saw a sleeping Hoseok. "Shit.. valentines..." You got up slowly and carefully, being extremely careful not to wake him up. You walked into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. Once the water was the perfect temperature, you stepped inside. You let the water soak your body, and then you washed yourself. You washed your hair then stepped out, drying yourself off. Hoseok was out of bed by the time you walked back into the room.

Confused, you continued to dry your hair with a hairdryer and then straightened it, after all of that, you slipped into some shorts and a hoodie. You walked down the stairs and hugged Hoseok from behind in the kitchen.

"Happy Valentines Day, baby." You said, after kissing his neck.

"And the same to you princess. How was your sleep?" He kissed you back.

"Pretty good, but I woke up when you were talking outside the room... then I fell asleep like three minutes after." He raised an eyebrow.

"What did you hear?" Hoseok asked, while pouring some juice.

"Nothing important. Just you saying it's a surprise and something about a yes." You sighed, "Everything after that was a blur." You smiled.

"Ah okay, that's good then."

"What about you? How was your night?" You asked, still hugging your beloved.

"It was good, I didn't fall asleep until two though." You let out a gasp which caused Hoseok to chuckle. "What?"

"You need to sleep! Why were you up so late?"

"Planning something." He simply said, "What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." You smiled.

"Waffles, please." You put on a cute voice, hoping to catch his eye. He smirked and got straight to making the batter. "Where are everyone else?"

"They're getting something's, I can't tell you what though!"

You crossed your arms and pouted, "Everything is so secretive today... Ah! One minute!" You got up and ran to go and get Hoseok's presents. Once you had them, you ran all the way to Hoseok and handed them to him. "Happy Valentine's Day, my prince." He kissed you.

"Holy crap, these are so cool!" He hugged you, kissing your neck in the process. "Thank you so much!"

You blushed, "You really like them?"

"Yes!" You smiled, "Your present will be given to you later, whether you like it or not that's a different story. I think you will though." He placed your waffles on a plate and gave them to you.

"Thank you, baby." You ate your waffles, wondering what Hoseok has gotten you.

Everyone came back about four hours later with bags full of things. You were extremely curious when you were told to go outside and not come in until you were given permission. So, you called your best friend. "Hey!"

"Hiya! It's bee so long, how're you?" You giggled at their voice, you have really missed it.

"I'm doing really good, you?" You lay on the grass, looking at the sky.

"Same to be honest, how is it dating an idol?"

"It's fun, not because of the attention but because when they have the time for you, they will spend every second of it with you. Hoseok will not let anything distract him from me and I love him for that!" Y/B/N giggled, "What?"

"I ship it. So very much!" You laughed.

"Yah! Then again, so does the majority of ARMY." You rolled your eyes, "Its funny, but sad when people get sad that they can't have him. Sorry ladies, he's my prince."

"You sounded like Shane!" She screamed.

"Oh my gosh!" You said. You sat up when you heard the backdoor open. Hoseok stepped outside in a tuxedo, which gave you so many thoughts. "Babe, I gotta go. I'll talk later, Y/B\N!" You ended the phone call.

"Care to attend me miss?" You nodded and took his hand. Hoseok walked you inside and you gasped at all the decorations, it looked like a wedding.

"Woah.." Jimin handed you a box. "Oh?"

"For the lady." You opened it and inside was a gorgeous black dress. You smiled. "Yes, you can go and change." You let go of Hoseok's hand and ran to get changed. Shoes were on your bed too, you put them on and smiled at your reflection. 

"Sexy." You whispered. You walked downstairs and when Hoseok saw you, he gasped. Loudly.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you..." You took his hand again and he lead you into the studio. Tears stung your eyes when you saw what was inside, everyone was in suits, stood in a line.
They were smiling at you, Hoseok let go of your hand and began to talk. "Happy Valentine's Day baby. I know you're probably thinking I spent too much or went too far but I haven't."


"This is going to be worth it if I get the right answer." You smiled, "I love you so much, too much to even explain. I love you hair, your body, your face. You. Everything about you is perfect, and I love that." Your hands flew to your face when he leant down on one knee. "So, right now, I'm asking you if you want to stay with me forever. Until death do us part. Will you marry?"

"I- yes. Yes, I will!" Everyone cheered when Hoseok put the ring on your finger and kissed you.
Flowers were thrown at you two, people were coming in to hug with you as well.

"Congratulations!" Everyone screamed.

You wiped away a tear, "Happy Valentines Day, baby girl."



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