Jimin ~ One Month {.2}

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You felt tears sting your eyes as you made your way home, you and Jimin only had a month left. This was like the day where you had to say goodbye to Y/B/N, only you weren't saying goodbye yet... just the pain of the goodbye is already here. You loved Jimin with every inch of your heart and just knowing that you weren't going to see each other for a really long time is definitely enough to make you cry.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, you took it out and answered the phone. "Hello?" You sniffed.

"I know you're not going home, where are you?" Jimin asked, "You can stay with us for the night, it's okay." He said in a soothing voice, you stopped walking and looked at your reflection in a puddle.

"Jimin... I don't want you to leave, but I'm not going to stop you either." You muttered, Jimin sighed, "I'm probably overreacting and all that, but I just-"

"You're not and I understand.. I don't want to leave you here all alone either but I gotta." He sighed, "Are you coming back? We can have Pizza if you want,"

"I'm coming back yeah... but not pizza, I don't want that right now." Jimin hummed in response, "If I'm not back in thirty minutes, call again."


"I love you." You put down the phone and turned around, not in the direction of the guys' house, or the direction of yours, but the direction of the Lake. The lake at this time was a really nice thing to see, especially with the sunset. You hummed 'Butterfly', it usually helps when you're in a bad mood, and of course it does now.
You sat down on a bench that was facing the lake when you got there, you looked at the water and the reflection of the Sky. A small smile spread onto your face, the colours on the sky made t look like the water was also the sky.

You had no idea how long you were there, but you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around at a fast pace but relaxed when you saw Jimin, "I had a feeling you'd be here, after all, this is your favourite place to be."

"Mhmm, you didn't need to come out though..." You trailed off at the end. You knew that pushing him away but make the goodbye easier but baby, you could never.

"No, I didn't need to... I chose to because I wanted to see you." Jimin said, looking out over the lake. "I can understand why this is your favourite place, I really do."

You smiled, "It's where I come when I'm feeling too many emotions to deal with, before I met you, I practically lived here." You chuckled and Jimin sighed.

"Damn... how come you were feeling all those emotions before you met me?" Jimin asked, "You don't need to say anything either."

"Because people picked on me, my mother has just died and my father became abusive.. I taught myself not to flinch every time someone raised their hand because that got me into trouble," You said with a shaky voice, "I was suicidal, I self harmed but then I met you and the guys, and I finally felt like I had somewhere to be..."

Jimin wiped away a loose tear, "That's.. that's really sad." He said, the two of you stayed silent for a minute, "Y'know I'm glad you held on and pushed through all of that pain, Y/N."

"I am too..." You smiled and then frowned, "I dreaded the day I had to tell you this, because I thought you'd find out about my scars or I'd come to you with an unknown bruise."

"I've never seen your scars, but then again, you do always wear hoodies and sweaters the majority of the time," He sighed, "I'm okay with either though, you're still my girl no matter what you have on you."

You and Jimin stayed at the lake for about an hour or two, when you finally decided to leave, it was extremely dark and cold. You shivered slightly and did up your jacket, Jimin took hold of your hand and you immediately felt warmer again, he just had that power over you that no one else did. And no one else will. "Thank you Jimin."

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