15.Where She costs him his PRIDE

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Anika dashed up the steps, taking them two at a time. She skidded down the corridor and burst into his room.

"Shivay!" her yell was loud, as her eyes searched frantically. Panic swelled in her chest as silence answered her.

A muffled, grunt sounded suddenly and her head snapped towards the washroom. She rushed to it and tried the handle. It was locked. "Shivaay!" She banged the door with her fists.

"Are you in there? Open up!"

There was only silence. Heart thundering, her mind clouded with all the possibilities that things could go wrong with. "Shivaay!" she cried again, banging harder.

" I....i can't see" a low, strangled voice spoke up. Blood pounded in her ears as fear pooled in her stomach.

"Feel your way towards the door Shivaay! you've got to open it". It felt like forever, as she waited. But eventually after a few loud thuds and a lot of curses later, the door clicked.

Anika yanked it open and gasped.

Wearing a unbuttoned white shirt, and with his hand shielding his eyes, stood Shivaay. As the door opened he stumbled and Anika stepped forward steading him. She staggered with his weight, before ducking under his arm, she guided him to sit on the edge of his bed.

She reached up to tug his hand away from his eyes and he jerked away from her touch. She swallowed hardly.

"Let me see" she pleaded and tugged again. This time his hand fell away.

" Oh my god" Anika whispered. The skin around his eyes were puffed up with a harsh redness. His eyes were bloodshot and moist as he angrily refused to meet her gaze. His breaths came out rashly through his clenched teeth. Tears stung her own eyes as she looked at his state. A state that she had caused.

Reaching out she grabbed the nearest glass of water and dabbed her dupatta in it. With trembling fingers she softly touched the wet cloth to his eyes. He flinched in pain, and Anika bit her lip fighting back a sob.

He didn't stop her as she gently cleaned his eyes. Even though he had managed to wash most of the white wash, specks of it still lingered and she gently wiped them away.

O jaana plays

Looking at him sitting there, stone like, not showing even a flicker of the pain she knew he must be going through, had something constricting around her heart. Her dupatta slipped, and her fingers touched his eyes.

His skin felt, hot. Like he was burning with fever. He looked up at her at the sudden contact, his eyes red , but never dulling the shine of his livid blue orbs.

Anika's throat tightened as a sob bubbled up. Staring into his abused eyes, the tears which were crowding behind her eyes, surfaced.

A small tear slipped, and she saw something shift in his eyes. Her hands moved cupping his face gently, she traced the flushed skin under his eyes, her lips trembling " I am so sorry" she rasped. She had no idea what she was doing. It was like her body had a mind of its own.

So she also didn't know why her body bent down, and rested her forehead against his. His body went rigid, under her touch. A ragged breath escaped her lips, as her cool skin touched his feverishly warm skin.

Her eyes fluttered open to find him already starting at her. Electricity flared between them and her pulse raced, at their intimate proximity. His eyes bored into hers, and this close to him she suddenly felt as if she was drowning. But this was a different kind of drowning, the kind that took away your breath away, yet your still alive.

A low vibration buzzed and they both snapped apart. He moved away, faster than lightening. Answering his phone he pinned it to his ear. Anika flushed a deep red as she realized, what the call had just interrupted.

"Yes?" he said curtly. In spite of fighting the pain, his voice did not waver even the slightest bit. It was strong, filled with power and authority. He listened and so did Anika, because the voice in the other end was fairly audible.

" Sir where were you!?" the voice asked frantically " I have been calling you for the past half hour". When Shivaay replied with silence "Sir the meeting has been cancelled" the voice continued.

Shivaay stiffened, his grip on the phone tightening "Why?"

" They did not like waiting sir" the voice said hesitantly "They walked out saying they didn't want to deal with people lacking punctuality". He looked calm but Anika did not miss the way his fists curled at his sides.

"Am sorry sir" the voice was low and sad now, " I know how important this meeting wa-" Shivaay ended the call, not bothering to listen.

Guilt dosed her as she realized how messed up this all was.

" Shivaay..." she whispered , her voice trembling.

" Get out"

She flinched from the venom in his voice. " I am so sor-"

"I said get out" he repeated. His voice was softer than before, but impacted an emotion so strong that the words died down her throat.

He looked up then, his eyes clashing with hers. His face was blank. Emotionless. But his eyes told a different story. Whatever she had seen a second ago was gone replaced with something dark, like a cold fire.

A hurricane, swirling in his depths fighting to be unleashed. Anika couldn't help the cold shiver that coursed down her spine.

"You cost me my pride" he said and without another word he walked up to his door, pulling it open.

Anika's hands fisted, her fingernails digging painfully into her palm. She realized that there was nothing she could say, that would make this ok. So tearing her eyes from him, she walked out and the door shut close behind her.

A/N: Hello guys,

Here is one more dhamakedhar update of your Shivika. I hope you will like it.

I have some questions for you. Take your time and answer them.

What do you think, how will Anika convince the cold hearted SSO? Will he ever able to forgive her?
Where will their relationship lead to after this prank, Love or Hatred??

Did you ever pranked anyone? Did it backfire badly?

Tell me what you felt after reading this chapter.

Which pair are you liking the most? And whose scenes you wanna read more?

Keep commenting what you think and come up with your views.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

Thanks for your love. Its 9K views and 500 votes. ❤

xoxo :)

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