33. The rope thingie

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"Am not doing this!"

"Yes you are!"


"Get in that room!"

"No! Nuh-uh! You can't make me!"

"Last chance. I won't be asking again"

"I don't give a shit- ahhhh!" Krish's screech was ear splitting as Omkara shoved her into the trail room.

She stumbled in, and he slammed the door, panting. "You moron!" She bellowed, banging the door with her fists.

"Five minutes! You have five minutes. To get in that dress!" He answered.

"This is completely insane!" He heard her groan.

"I agree" he muttered, slumping into the near by bench. It was day two and her turn to fulfill the deal, and he was already on the edge.

They had been out the entire day, going to a number of places. He had a specific picture of how he wanted to paint her.

Their first visit had been the salon where his most trusted hairstylist gave her a complete new hair do, with Omkara giving precise instructions, while Krish snoring very unladylike, through the entire process.

He then dragged her through hundreds of open markets buying accessories, and foot wear.

She had followed him grumbling at everything he did, but Omkara paid no heed and continued picking out things, getting more and more excited.

Finally it was time to pick the outfit as a final touch .

Everything had been fine until he was selecting a dress, she had been only made rude faces at whatever he picked. But it was when he had asked her to try one on, that was when all hell broke loose.

Omkara sighed, rubbing his face tiredly "Are you done yet?" He called.
Silence answered him. He shuffled, and stood up slowly, walking to the closed door. "Hey" he knocked softly.

"Are you-..."

"Am changing the schedule!" She hissed suddenly.

"Huh? What schedule?"

"Our practice schedule"

"Why the hell wou-"

"You are putting in extra hours of dancing, and I don't give two shits if you collapse!" She thundered.

"And why would I do that?" He chuckled, despite her rude language.

"Cause you are making me do this!!" She wailed.

Om laughed "common it can't be that bad, it's just a dress!"

"It's a dress and Krish doesn't do dresses" She cried "and FYI mister. This was never in the deal!

"The deal said ' I do exactly as you tell and you are to do exactly as I tell, now let me take a look" He shot back. She remained silent for a second.

"I look like a duche bag and jesus! what the fuck is up with all these sparkly stuff!"

"Just open the door Krish" he said impatiently.

She remained quite and just when he was going to ask her again.

"Fine. But if you laugh, you can say bye bye to your future of ever having children"

"Does that even mean make sense?"

"Means am crushing your balls if ever I see your teeth dummy!" He pursed his lips at her gruesome imagination of violence.

He heard her shuffling, muttering incorhent things. He sighed. This ws getting harder than he had imagined. She probably didn't even know how to put it on.

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