20.His Reputation

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Sweat dripped down his brows, gliding along his cheek. His chest heaved and his eyes flickered across the court, assessing how to get through this.

A week ago if someone had told Rudra that he would be playing a basketball match against the nerds of his collage, he would've spit out his protein shake, laughing.

But right now, as his eyes flickered across the court where his team and their opposing team were scattered, all bent and tensed for his move, he realized how wrong he was.

He had been jokingly mocking the new girl Sowmya, a week ago, about a basketball keychain on her bag. When suddenly things heated up. Words were exchanged and one thing led to another and before they knew it, a bet was placed for who would play basketball best. The popular students versus the nerds.

Rudra had thought it would be a piece of cake and before long he would have all the nerds tripping over their own legs while he won, all without breaking a sweat. Another thing he was wrong about.

Even with the biggest hulks and players on his team, Nerd Sowmya had somehow managed to get together a few students who played basketball like their life depended on it. With Sowmya being their captain, they had managed to bring up the score neck to neck with Rudra's team.

Now with the last seconds running he had one final chance to get the last winning point for his team. His grip on the ball tightened. People were screaming, and drums were being played. His eyes flickered to the audience where almost every one cheered for their collage champ.

Taking a deep breath he stepped into the court. The ball slipped and dribbled on the court, and he began to jog. His team matched his stride, ready if he wanted to pass.

The nerds ran to meet him trying their best to knock out the ball, but this was his game and he was good at it. He dogged and ducked around them all smoothly, all except one.

Sowmya stood in front of the basket, crouched and tensed, waiting for him to be close enough. If he was to shoot then he had to get past her. Rudra picked up his stride, and as he got closer, Sowmya started moving towards him.

As they closed the distance, the drums stopped and the crowd held their breath. They were right in front of each other and Rudra dribbled the ball faster, trying to confuse her. He tried getting past her but she blocked him perfectly. Eyes locked on each other as they moved rapidly.

For a second, Sowmya's hand flew down, and he felt she would surely steal the ball away, when suddenly she side stepped, giving him a clear path to shoot.

Rudra wasted no time. Taking a huge step he leapt high and flung the ball. It hurled through the air and slipped into the basket.

The crowd exploded. Rudra stared astonished, his mind scrambling to pick up what just happened, and before he could catch his breath, he was hoisted up onto his teammates shoulders. He tried swatting them away. His eyes searched the crowd and fell upon Sowmya's just as the crowd swallowed her.

He struggled and was let down. People thumped his back, and his hair was ruffled. Ducking among them, he managed to pull himself out of the crowd. They continued to scream and whoop, booing the nerds.

Rudra looked around and catching sight of a familiar jersey , he suddenly started running. Stopping, he reached out and yanked the owner of the jersey back. Sowmya looked up surprised.

"Wait!" he heaved.

She smiled "Congratulations on the winning."

Rudra panted "Bullshit"

Her smile faded "That's not a very nice thing to say winner"

"Why did you do that?" he asked, swallowing hard, after the chase.

"Do what!?"

"We both know what I am talking about. So stop the innocent act and tell me Sowmya" he growled, frustrated. "Uou let me win! And we both know that. You had the perfect chance to steal the ball from me yet you let me score. Why?"

Sowmya stilled. " I don't know what you are talking about Rudra. You won the bet so be happy and get over it" she said turning away.

" No. Tell me!" he cried whipping her towards him.

Sowmya stared at him for second, and sighed " Alright! Fine. Yes I let you win because.."

"because...??" he probed.

She sighed again "Look. If I loose no one would care. Cause in everyone's eyes we are already the losers. But you. You have a reputation to hold. And people like Rocky would love to snub you, if you failed this." She looked away "So I just did it, cause I know your reputation matters a lot. So just get over it."

She brushed away his hands and turned to walk away. Rudra stared at her retreating back, anchored to his spot.

A/N: Hey guys,

We are back. How are you? I hope everyone are doing well.

This episode is dedicated to all the Rumya fans. We know many of you been missing Soumya a lot and even us. We hope you will enjoy reading this part as much as we did.

Will Anika apologize to Shivaay? If she did, Will he accept it? If you wanna know this, then get ready for next chapter. It's whole of a Shivika chapter.

And guys, When we checked our views and votes, we found that people are less interested in Prinku and Arjun part. We know they barely get scenes in the serial but Our book gives equal space to every couple and ArYa (ARjun + priYAnka) are one of the strongest. They will be the foundation of our whole story. They play a major role in our plot. So please, don't skip their part. Give them the same love you give to Shivika.

Even Rumya and Krishkara needs your more love and support.

Thank you so much for your love. The book reached 16K and 900 votes . Keep the love coming.

Trushnamallipudi ❤

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