36. Krishna

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"Are you done?!"

"One second!"

"You said one second, one hour ago! Get out here!"

There was a muffled grunt, and shuffling, Omkara sighed running his hand slowly on his blank canvas.

God! How long was it gonna take for her to- the door behind him banged open and his body twisted around in his stool involuntarily, his eyes already searching.

The evening rays of the setting sun seemed to glimmer around her, wallowing her up in a golden glow as she stepped out. No one would believe that this was the same Krish who walked around in ripped shorts and high kneed boots with streaked hair.

No. This girl looked nothing like the tomboy. Her hair now hung long, cascading down her back in brown waves. The yellow lehanga, he had chosen seemed to be made for her, as it hung low on her hips, displaying her delicate curves, whispering on the ground as she made her way to him.

For a moment neither of them spoke. He stared at her and she stared at him. "Well?" She asked breaking the silence, " what do I do now?"

Om blinked and moved, suddenly fiddling with his canvas " right. This is what we do" he straightened, looking at her in a very bussiness lime manner " you play on some music and dance slowly and I mean very slowly. And when I tell freeze, you stop in whatever stance you are in and I paint. Got it?"

She stared at him as if he grew another head " are you sure that's the way?"

He raised an eyebrow " who's the artist?"

She sighed and trugged off to the middle of the floor and Om settled on his stool, his eyes trained sharply on her.

Soon music floated around them and she began to glide with it. Omkara watched her intently. It was just an instrumental tune, soft and slow and she swayed in smooth, graceful movements.

" Stop! ...I mean..Freeze!" He cried out suddenly, jumping from his place.

" What now!???"

" Yes now! Just....Be quite and stop where you are"

She let out a disranged grunt but stood still. Om's heart raced as he lunged for his pencil and began sketching furiously, his eyes darting from her, to his canvas back and forth, faster than lightening.

" My arms are aching!" She called out loudly, after, just a few seconds.

" Don't you dare move a muscle!" He yelled alarmed, switching pencils " and it's not even been a damn minute!"

" Oh really?!" Then why don't you get over her and pose like a dumb swan?!" She yelled back.

Omkara paused, peeping at her. She was right. She was weirdly posed like a San, with her arms stretched above her head, her back arched, balancing herself on her toes.

But in that light, standing that way, with a soft breeze brushing strands of her hair over her face, she looked... Incredible.

" Why are we yelling? We are barely a few feet away " he spoke calmly.

" You started it!" She yelled.

" Uh...You are still yelling" he pointed out.

" Oh! Just get on with it! My arms are seriously killing me!" She growled

" Alright alright" he hurried back to his work " but I must tell you. It's gonna take a while, if I hurry for your sake, then something might go wrong and the whole thing will be ruined. Now stay still."

She groaned " why did you have to pick this pose idiot? Couldn't you have gone with something which was a bit less paralyzing?"

Om raised a brow at her choice of names for him " now where's the fun in that? And by the way aren't you a dancer? Dancers are supposed to be habituated to this, accordingly, since you dance so much your muscles shouldn't be paining for an hour or so."

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