32. Heat

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"Ohmygosh Arjun! You are hurt!" Priyanka gasped. A red angry gash spreading a few centimeters long, stared back at her.

" It's fine, " he whispered, pain evident in his voice " I've had worse". He tried prying her fingers off his shirt.

Priyanka got up shakily, her eyes refusing to leave his stomach, where more blood was oozing with ever passing second.

" You need help" she told him. " We need to get this treated"

She looked around hurriedly, picking up her scraf which was lying on the floor. Ripping it in half she pressed it softly against his cut. Her head reeled, as she watched the white scraf slowly stain red.

" Hold on to this" she said, replacing her hand with his.

" Is there a medical store near by" she called as she scrambled into her shoes.

" You are not going... Anywhere" he called out weakly.

Clutching her bag tightly she walked back to him and knelt in front of him. His face was pale and pain stricken. Streaks of his hair matted across his sweaty forehead. His eyes, were half closed as another groan lifted off him. A dull ache echoed in her chest.

" Hey" she murmured, his eyes cracked opened a fraction, looking at her through hooded eyes. " I will be right back okay?"

She got up, but just as she turned away, his hand caught her wrist. She looked at his hand and back at him.

" Don't ...Go" he whispered, his voice hoarse.

" I will be fine" she mumbled.

" Just...Listen to me this one time babe and stay... Please" she watched him, trying to keep one hand on her wrist, while other was pressed against his abdomen.

He was hurt and loosing blood, yet there he was holding onto her, so that she wouldn't go out at three in the morning alone.

Her bag slipped from her shoulders, and she crouched back next to him. She reached up suddenly without thinking and cupped his cheek. He sighed leaning into her touch. " Your burning Arjun" she said.

" Uhh...Am hot that way" he mumbled his words coming out slurred, she bit back a obvious smile. " Let's get you to bed" she said, helping him up.

The next few hours Priyanka worked on him. Cleaning him up, she dressed his wound with whatever little first aid she could find around his home. She sat beside him as he slept, changing a wet cloth on his forehead from time to time.

Somewhere in the night, she was dozing in her chair when a slow whimper woke her. She sat up straight, unusually alert. She looked around hardly able to make anything out due to the darkness. Another whimper sounded and she moved to the bed.

" Arjun?" She whispered, his face was scrunched into a glare and tremors wrecked havocs through his body. She shook him gently "Wake up Arjun"

He grunted and shivered " hhh-....eeee..at" he stammered, his teeth shattering.

" Heat?" She repeated. He nodded,another tremor rolling violently off him. She pulled his blanket tighter around him but it didn't seem to have any effect. She moved, to reach for her blanket, when she felt him grab her arm.

She looked down, startled, he tugged her hand and pressed his face into her palm. He breathed in, his warm air flushed against her hand. Surpise coated every nerve-ending of hers.

A low growl rumbled in his chest and his eyes opened. Her chest tightned as they met hers. Like dark embers, his eyes were deeply clouded with an emotion she couldn't decipher. They burned into her skin, settling deep into her bones.

He watched her for a second, before his arm snaked around her waist and he pulled. Her body went willingly, almost as if it was waiting to be pulled. He pressed her to him, tucking his face into the crook of her neck.

Priyanka froze, all sense zapping out of her mind. Blood sprouted to her cheeks as she felt him inhale and his breath tickeling her skin.

"Heat" he murmured, a low sound that resonated through the depths of her bones.

His arms wound tighter around her and holding her to him. Priyanka's heart hammered almost painfully against her ribs, so loud that she was sure that he could hear it. She waited for the panic, for the fear that crawled into her whenever someone unfamiliar touched her. But the hot flush rippling onto her neck, and her racing heart was all she could feel.

He moved, snuggling closer to her and a heavy sigh lifted off him. Her hands trembeled as they wound back around him. She cradled his head, her fingers slipping into his hair holding him to herself, trying to give him as much as heat as she could.

They stayed that way, and slowly her heart slowed down to a healthier beat, her breathing came back to normal, her eyes dropped, and she fell asleep, tangled in his arms.


A/N: Hey guys,
We are back!!! We thought you would like it if we try to compensate our earlier delay. So, here's one more chapter.

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Thank you so much for the 2K votes guys. That means a lot to us. And also for the 33k reads. We never thought we would reach this stage. Every milestone we cross, it's just because of your support and love.

We promise to be regular as much as we can. Check our other works in our profile.

Trushnamallipudi ❤
Sighing off

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