38. Time to leave

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Priyanka squinted, leaning forward until the blurry knife became clear. She bit her lip as she slid the knife carefully over the beans. she sighed, managing without glasses was alright until she wasn't doing any work, but sooner or later she had to go out and get some glasses, a new phone so that she could actually let her family know she was alive and definitely some new clean clothes, Arjun was going to run out of shirts if she stayed here any longer.

She shifted to the stove stiring something, she sighed again starng off into space. "Good morning" Arjun's gruff voice startled her out of her thoughts. She grinned at him " more like good afternoon sleepy head. Got enough sleep?"

He gave her sheepish grin and trugged lazily to her " what are you up to?' he said peeping into the pot on the stove " is cooking your thing or something? You're always cooking something up"

" just keeping myself occupied, plus the food I cook is doing some good for you" it was true, ever since she had been keeping him away from take outs and feeding him proper meals he had started to look better.

The bags under his eyes were thinning, he was looking less pale and he wasn't always touching his stomach anymore.

She tilted her head surveying him " in fact, I think you've put on some wait Arjun" she told him. Arjun halted, stopping midway of sipping his coffee. His eyes widened and a crazed look appeared on his eyes.

" no!?" he cried slamming down his cup on the counter he dashed to a mirror in the living room, " no please tell me you are kidding" he wailed pressing his palms on his flat stomach.

Prinku giggled " relax it's a good thing, you are freaking out worse than a girl"

He threw her a mortified look " Babe girls dig this body, and it doesn't stay in shape all by it self"

Prinku rolled her eyes " don't call me babe. And I highly doubt they even look at you"

Arjun snorted " you look at me! And you know that too!"

" I DO not!" she gasped.

" do too!"

" when did I ever! Ram ram"

" you check me out literally everyday Ms. Priyanka Oberio" he smirked " It's alright though, beauty mustn't go unnoticed"

Prinku snorted " keep telling yourself that"

"I will"

" good!"

" what are you making anyway?"

" something to make you fatter" she sneered

Arjun narrowed his eyes " you are not as innocent as you look, you know that?"

Prinku gave him a sweet smile " aww you think am innocent?"

" just make something low fat"

She raised her brows " really?, why don't you make something low fat if its that easy? Oh! Wait I forgot do you even know how to cook?"

"its not rocket science" he shrugged.

" yeah? can you just mix the flour then for me? I need to make rotis and they are fat free"

He eyed the platter full of flour and shrugged " sure, I will get this ready and you go put his on" he said throwing her a white box " catch!"

She held up her hands a little too late and the white box hit her smack on the fore head. " ow!" she winced bending down to pick up the tiny box. Arjun chuckled behind her.

" what is this?"

" contacts"

She looked at him surprised " you got me contacts?"

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