35. His shirt

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Priyanka hummed softly, drying her wet hair. She stopped in front of a mirror, catching a glimpse of herself. Her cheeks heated at the sight of her wearing Arjun's shirt.

After last night, she had woken up to an empty bed and a note with ' I'll be right back' scribbled messily on a sticky.

She ran a hand along her wet strands, a sudden memory of him tucking his face into her neck flashed. She blushed looking away.

It almost felt like a dream, like it was so unreal that she had to ask herself if whatever happened last night was not just a bizarre figament of her imagination.

She had never gotten this close to anyone. Physically.

But with him...She didn't know when she was crossing the lines. And the thing that troubled her the most was that it didn't feel wrong.

It didn't feel worng when he had touched her, or when he had pulled her to him. And she never once had a doubt when she went to him willingly.

She frowned, everything about last night was foreign but that was all she could think about ever since she had opened her eyes.

With him gone she had no other distraction and her mind kept going to places she didn't want
to be in.

She had cleaned, dusted and cooked up a soup just to keep herself busy. When that was done, she decided to take a shower and it was only when she was halfway through did she reliaze that she had no spare clothes.

She had found his white shirt lying around and had slipped it on. The shirt was loose and so long that it came down to her knees, eliminating the need to wear a pant.

She walked out the bedroom, drying her hair slowly, when suddenly there was a click and before she could move the front door swung open.

The towel slipped out her hands as their eyes meet. Even from across the room she could see his eyes, rake down her length taking in her wet hair, his shirt and her naked legs.

She stood still in shock, as he leaned against the door frame, a low whistle escaped him. " Well that's something I definitely didn't expect to come back to"

She blushed, reaching down to grab the towel, she tugged his shirt, trying to cover up her legs.

"Is that mine?" He walked in, closing the door behind him. He dropped the bags he was carrying in the sofa, and walked towards her.

"Am so--rry I jus-." She stuttered flusteredly, tugging at his shirt "I couldn't find anything...My clothes were wet...I could just remove it if it's a problem"

His eyebrows shot up. She stopped, her face erupting into flames, at what she had just said " noo-- I me--an I will wear my old clothes if-"

"Hey! Hey!" He raised his arms, trying to calm her rambling."It's fine. It's completely fine. Besides.." his lips pulled up in a lazy half smile " it looks better on you then it does on me"

She ducked her head down, letting her hair fall as a curtain between her and him, hiding her surprise.

She watched as his feet drew closer and stopped in front of her. "Chill.." he said, placing his hands on her small shoulders and dropping his face to her level " I really don't mind"

She looked at him shyly through strands of her hair, her heart picking up pace rapidly. Before she realized what she was doing, her hands reached up cupping his cheeks.

She watched his eyes widen at the contact " you are still warm" she murmured, noting his temperature. Something shifted in his eyes. He smiled, but his eyes stayed the same. 

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