29. What an Arrogant ass!

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Anika pushed the 14 button of the elevator and waited. She sighed, recalling the conversation she had with tej in his study the night before.

" Tej uncle, may I come in?" Anika asked poking her head, into his study. Tej looked up from a book he was reading, and smiled "Common on in" he said waving her over. Anika grinned and walked in. Tej uncle's study was dark and broody with thick curtains and the walls, stocked with heavy books, and an eeire silence hung heavily in the air. Tej sat behind a huge desk covered in stacks of paper, files and books.

"Well what brings you here, " He asked, slipping his glasses down his nose."What can I do for you?"

Anika fake gasped " why would I want anything uncle? Can't I come in, to just say hello?"

Tej raised his brows, amused " well hello then" he said.

Anika gave him a bright smile and he returned to his book, waiting patiently for her to begin.

" Wellllllllllll" she dragged, after a second, tej fought back his smile and gave her his attention again.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Uncle i actually need you to sponsor a medical camp for my hospital!" She blurted out in a rush.

Tej stared at her "That's it?" Anika looked at him surprise " isn't that a lot?"

He chuckled "Not at all dear. But right now I am caught up in some things, but why don't you ask Shivaay? He takes care of the financial status of our company, and I will put in a word for you"

Anika fought hard to keep the grimace off her face. Wonderful.

The elevator dinged, pulling her out of her review and announcing her arrival on the top floor of the 'Oberoi's mines and minerals limited' company.
A shiny, well lit floor welcomed her, she walked out, her heels clipping softly against the shiny floor. A pretty receptionist sitting behind a huge desk looked up and smiled invitingly "Good morning mam, how may I help you?"

"I need to see Shivaay Singh Oberoi" Anika answered.

"Of course mam, when do you have his appointment?"

" I don't have an appointment"

" Oh. Am sorry then mam. You need an appointment to meet him"

Anika frowned "Tell him Anika Sharma has come."

The receptionist hesitated but nodded and pressed a button. Anika tapped her foot impatiently as the receptionist spoke softly into the phone.

"Well?" Anika asked as soon as she was done.

"He will be with you in a bit mam" she replied.

Anika narrowed her eyes "How long is 'a bit' ?"

The receptionist looked down, nervously. Anika grounded her teeth. What an arrogant ass he was! How rude and completely mannerless. Tej uncle must've already talked to him about her medical camp and he must've been expecting her. Yet he was making her wait.

"Is he in any meeting?" She asked, the receptionist shook her head. "Is there anyone in his cabin then?" The receptionist shook her head again.

"Right then" giving her current nod, Anika spun on her heel and stalked into the office. "Madam! Stop!" She ignored the terrified cries of the receptionist and walked ahead.

She walked across the office filled with hundreds of people, in their cubicles tapping away on their computers. Unsurprisingly it was dead silent, even with them around.

She heard the receptionist scampering behind her and she sped up her pace making a beeline for the cabin that had CEO written in bold, golden capitals.

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