24. Motuu ❤

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“common Sowmu!!!!” Maya shouted, eagerly, pulling her best friend through the crowd.

“ Alright alright” Sowmya grouched, trying not to get jostled by the ecstatically euphoric, student stamped. It literally was like, they have announced to give out free money.

It was a godforsaken day in their  'MMU'. All the students were literally going bonkers, as all the classes were called off for the day and declaring it as an official freshers day.

Sowmya sighed, gloomily, she was very much happy sticking in home, safe in her room with warm aloo stuffed parathas beside her, rather than wasting the day with their so called ‘friendly' seniors who promised to make their freshman days enjoyable.

Oh! She knew just how enjoyable they were going to be. She had first hand experience on that part. She pitied her classmates as they laughed and enjoyed, around. If only they knew that they were just living a dream for a day and tomorrow was going to be the same ragging stories.

Sadly her best friend Maya was one of the bonkered  friends, which resulted in Sowmya dragging her self, reluctantly to the bloody freshers day.

She tapped her foot impatiently as Maya scrunched up her face in a melodramatic pout for a selfie.

“ Will you at least pretend to be happy Sowmu?” Maya sighed, giving up on the selfies.

Sowmya gave her a huge fake smile  "like this?” she asked without breaking the smile.

Maya rolled her eyes “Your impossible, it’s such a happy day! And look, all of us are here. We get to make friends with our seniors, paly games, eat, drink and what else would you want?”

Sowmya opened her mouth ready to let her have it, ready to give her a speech on how wrong this stupid day was but instead “ I want parathas!”
Maya gasped and stared at Sowmya, “ you want what?”

“Parathas!” Sowmya wailed “ am hungry and bored and…and …I want parathas!”

Maya pursed her lips and looked at her best friend for a second before she burst out laughing. She folded Sowmya into a warm hug. “ I will get you some at the end of the day kay?”
Sowmya scowled but returned the hug.

“ Now let’s go and kick some senior's ass in the games!”

Sowmya groaned and let Maya drag her through the crowd. They pushed themselves through the people and stopped right in front of a huge line.

“ Ooo! Let’s play this one!” Maya cried, clapping her hands. Sowmya made a face “ you want to play this game?!”

Maya nodded vigorously, “ I don’t think I want to pl-"

“Hey” a smooth voice cut in, behind them. A tall boy, with a leather jacket, and worn out jeans, smiled down at them. A mop of messy brown hair spiking on the top of his head.

“ Having fun?” he smiled, a bit wider and Sowmya couldn’t help notice the cute dimples peeking from his cheeks.

Maya stayed silent, so Sowmya answered for both of them “ uh..Sure in a way, yes.”

“ Varun” he said sticking out his hand. Sowmya coughed once and returned his gesture “ Sowmya and this is Maya” she said nodding at her best friend, it didn’t go unnoticed by her that Varun was paying more attention to Maya.

Varun nodded “ I was thinking if you would like to…..” he scratched the back of his neck, “ play The three legged race with me?” he asked Maya.

Sowmya's eyebrows shot up. She felt Maya stiffen beside her. “ I promise it’s going to be fun” he reassured.

“ What is this three legged race?” Sowmya asked.

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