Chapter 2..

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This chapter is gonna be a secret reveler ... Thanks for your amazing support and 100+ vote in the last chapter...


Suman wiped her tears with the back of her palm.. she removed her heavy  clothes and went to stand under the shower..

The water streamed down from her head to toe, taking all her tears with them..

How she dreamed of this day when she will become his wife..
For the moment when he will confess his love for her and she could run to his arms, and stay there forever..
To build a little world with him and their bundle of joys.. to see them running around them screaming and laughing..
She would have cherished each living day of her life..

But she couldn't pin point the exact time when all her dreams became her living nightmare..

Even after trying so hard to stand strong on her step, she trembled Everytime he looked at her..... With that unsaid hatred ..

But she wanted this to happen, as much as he wanted it too..



Suman was restless after the whole scenario ... Nanu didn't give her a single word to clear her Confusion..
So she herself decided to confront him about the marriage.. the last thing she want was , him to marry her out of pity ...

Suman made her way to shravan's room ...
Before she could open the door she hear something which made her stop on her way!
Maybe someone else was there with him...
But the lack of the other persons voice forced her to think otherwise..

Then she heard him clearly leaning closer to his door..

(In phone conversation)

"Listen Usvashi! If you want to marry me then you need to do whatever I say... Otherwise you are always open to back out ..

I told you I'm not forcing you to do anything..

If not you I'll find someone else to do my job..

Yes .. yes.. I understand.. didn't I give you that blank cheque for assistance!

Why don't you understand ... I have a my reason to marry her.. and it's a matter of few months.. to be precise , just 4 months... That's it.. and I'll marry you under her nose and she won't be able to do anything..

As I said.. there is no emotional attachment.. once I ruin her , I'll throw her away..
Till then I will provide her whatever she expect from a husband...

You are not getting it, it will hurt her more when I'll give her everything and snatch it away...

I'll take my revenge at any cost...
And marrying you in front of her will be the last nail on her grave..

I want to destroy her self respect..
She deserves it for whatever she has done to me..

I already showed you our divorce papers ready.. now stop bothering me for next four months.. "

Unable to stand on her feet, her steps halted backwards until she hit the reeling of the staircase..

And she ran away from there.. the words left his mouth was so sharp that she felt her ears bleeding hearing it.

She ran back to Tiwari Killa , ignoring her family members enquiry , she locked herself in her room to cry her heart out, as loud as possible.. thought she muffled her screams with one of her pillows..

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें