Chapter 21

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Thank you so much guys for the long comments and checking out on me if I'm fine with all the crap going on in my campus.. and thankfully it's all good now..

All of you who did in line comments , thank you for doing that guys , you all made my day..

Before you read this chapter , let me tell you , this chapter is written by a sleep deprived person at midnight .. so ignore typos ..

And please , listen to this song before reading.. it's just for feel ..

He stared at her sleeping face for an hour or so..
She seemed to be distributed , as if something is bugging her mind even in the unconscious state ..

His recent decision to follow his gut and instinct , turned out to be a huge move for her ..

When he pressed his lips against her , it was not what actually he meant.
Maybe just a light touch ,or a slight brush , but when occurred, it went far from what was supposed to happen..

Their lips met .. he stayed like that , longer than needed , without moving , or trying what he had in mind , and didn't leave her until he realized the initial feel of her breath fanned over the side of his nose was no more .. pulling back he found her faint , or dozen off ...

He stayed like that , watching her ashen face .. the dust and dirt where still there in her body .. only the cloths where removed which where half torn ,. Bloody .. he was only concerned about the injuries  so didn't bother about the cloths ...

He caressed her hands , which somehow woke her .. she scrunched her eyes before blinking to adjust the light , though , Shravan made sure to keep it dim , not to disturb her sleep..

"Sumo..." He whispered near her ears..

"Wake up... You need to eat..." That was true she must be starving by now , since the last time she ate something was at dinner..

"Let's get you washed first .." he said wiping the gray grease from her neck with the pad of his thumb..
Suman kept her head and eyes low , still not getting along with what's going on..

He shrugged the blanket and stood up , with her in his hands like a weightless rag doll , .. the blanket slipped off her body too revealing her long creamy legs , dangling in air as he picked her...

He went inside the bathroom , which was a luxury one , and made her stand under the shower facing him ..

"Am turning on the shower.." he said looking at her bend down head ..

He pushed the knob  , and warm water ran over her like spring rain ..
She winched at the sudden effect of water on her dry skin ..

"Mmmm"  she gasped and clutched him , breathing hard ..

"It's OK .. it's ,OK.. I'm here .."
He assured .. if she could she would have snapped ..

Why? .. you shouldn't be here..

But saying that would require energy which she clearly didn't have..

His one hand went around her waist , holding her firmly , and other went behind her shoulder reaching out to her drenched hair, running his fingers on her scalp ..

His one hand went around her waist , holding her firmly , and other went behind her shoulder reaching out to her drenched hair, running his fingers on her scalp

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें