Chapter 30

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A long Chapter , for my 201 followers on wattpad

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A long Chapter , for my 201 followers on wattpad ..
Love you guys for keeping up with my madness ...

And thanks for all the silent regards who showed up last time .. it was lovely talking to you guys ..


She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes into a slit ..

"You are sleeping , aren't you?"


Leaning forward , she scrunched her nose sniffing his smell

"You are drunk ?"

"No" he groaned..

She rubbed her chin in with her thumb..

"I'm human ..!"

"Oh thanks for telling me!" Came as a snore

"And you want me to gift-wrap myself and present it to you ?"

"It's not as bad as you are making it sound .. and I would definitely help  you in unwrapping .. see I'm so kind .." he shrugged stating his point ..

Suman brain was mentally running a reel of ,her stabbing that crooked eyes of him with a ball point pen or much better , with a fork..

But then suddenly a plan B was born ..

"You can't back off now .. you promised me remember!".

"Ofcourse I did .. but , I have a better thing for you ..."

Just out of curiosity he asked '' and that is ..?"

"Take off your shirt ..!"

And like what she had in mind , his eyes almost popped out of the socket ..

"Tum Maan gye .? I mean itni jaldi?"he was shocked .. he did ask for all of her , but now when she agreed, what to do next .. not that he wasn't happy , it's just, he wasn't prepared ..

"Kaha na kuch aur he ...! Ab shirt nikalo !''

"Oh.. ok ok.. fine .. " he nervously simled before pulling off her shirt from his head ...

Never in his entire life  shravan was this much concious about his body or looks .. he bit down the urge to cross his hands on his chest and sat straight ..

"Wait , I'll get something .."

And there his sewage brain kick stared and the possibilities of what is she upto .. what if she took him seriously.. ? What if she went to get prepared for it ?  Then this night will be thir first time ... !! 

Even the mare thought , send his hormones skyrocketing .. he was literally freaking out from inside . He wouldn't mind having a child if she avoids protection .. he would be more than happy to have one .. but what about her ?

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें