Chapter 18

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The look on her face was blank ... But eyes where already glassy ... Among the hurt it was holding , he saw accuse and distrust too.....
And that broke him more than the blame he was pointed for ..
It's his turn to be at the   receiving end of misunderstanding..

Suman saw the way she was clinging to him , at the party , and that was what made her run back on her heels.. she don't even want to imagine what happened next there ...

Both their eyes where boring into each other's  , for some sort of assurancence or a bit of trust ..

Shravan was not able to comprehend the matter in his hand..

Is she doubting on me..

" Ye kya bakwaas he---" ramnath couldn't finish when they heard another round of high frequent cry , followed by Inspector's words ..

"Bakwaas nhe Sach he... Miss Sca
rlett ... Please , I know it's hard for you , but , can you please tell what exactly happened...."

Suman snapped her face at Scarlett , which shravan didn't dare to look anyone other than Suman..

" I.. I...
I ... Actually ... We met last night .. at v..Varun sir party for the first time...
First he was too nice to me... So I thought he is genuinely a good man...
But 'then , as the place started crowding, I felt his hands all over me.
Then a waiter came from nowhere, and emptied his whole tray over me...
My dress got wet and  , and.. he was looking at me in an inappropriate way... I didn't say anything at that time but.. then I went inside to clean myself ...

When I came out .. surprisingly ,. He was there ... I silently walked past him , but then is grabbed me and started touching me... I was scared sir... I couldn't do anything at that time...
I apologized and asked him to leave me , but he didn't listen...

Then all of a sudden , he attacked me...
I was too week in compared to him ...

He said , he won't give me job if I didn't submit to him...

He forced himself on me...

Only I know how I managed to run away after he tortured me... "

By the end she was hollowing and crying in high pitched voice...

Every single person had there ears perked and her words .. but shravan  still  had his eyes on Suman...
The draining color of her face was darkening his soul.. at that moment, the one person he wanted to trust on him was her .. but by the look of her face ..
She believed her saying ..

"I'm so sorry Miss. You had to through that.. but we will sure take proper action.. you don't need to be scared anymore.." the inspector assumed Scarlett..

"You Mr.. we have arrested Warren against you... You will come with us in easy way or , I need to drag you out.." he hissed

If it was any other day , the whole bunch of people standing around would have rolled out laughing , picturing about how it will look when a , man ,half a quarter of shravan's size will work on his threat to drag him out..

Begging and pleading with his eyes , shravan was feeling highly terrorised .. not by the accusation but by the way she kept mum...

Slowly and with a straight face , she turned towards him .. his shook his head not being able to put his words  ... Same was with everyone else.. there joyful morning was ruined in a blink  , and it came with such a force that non of them where able to react ....

" Panday... Hadkadi lagao Sahab zaade ko.. ye ayse nhe maanenge ...''  the police man ordered..

Panday was just about to take his first step towards shravan when , Suman voice came out..

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें