Chapter 13

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Hello lovelies.....
Here goes the chapter...
I thought to move things a little fast...
Let me know your views....
And my comment box is all yours!!!


Half-heartedly he went to open the door to reveal a pushkar with flaring nose ...

What has gotten into his family, bulldozering him ..

"We need to take.." pushkar deadplaned..


" Shravan, chodo,... Aahhaa.. eewww"

" Give it to me... Give.. it ... Back..."

"I won't... Aahaaaaeee ... Shravan... Get off me.."

" Not until you give me that..."

" Stop stop... It's just... Shravan.. aah"

Pushkar tapped the stop button of the audio player  , and glared at Mr. Red , and Mrs. Beetroot , standing in n front of him ...

Clearly, the little war the had few moments ago, didn't go well with their families.. all the sound which came out of their room ,and reaching the dining hall , carried a bad assumption with it..

" You know how old is lalaji... 58 , he is 58 bhiya ... That poor soul almost suffered a cardiac arrest, after both of your moaning challenge started... He almost fainted, if mumma didn't shove him inside the far away room." pushkar shook his head..

"Chote , it's ... It's not like what you think..we" shravan stammered

"Do I look like a dumb ...
Your wife , who was serving breakfast, all of a sudden became Usain bolt , and ran all her to your room , and within 5min the whole house was shaking with both your, morning along with all the 'kaale kartoot ' you where doing... Such a horny couple "

Suman gasped in horror when she realized what he was implying..

"God ... Pushkar , it's not what you are thinking.."

" Tell that to someone who's not married, ... I can see what you where doing... I have never seen anything as wild as you two...   Preety is gonna sue me for not being romantic after listening that.."

He pointed towards both there attires.. shravan's already thin T-shirt was torn in between till his abs , with all the nail marks over his chest ... Suman was no better with all the cream dripping from her face and shoulders , and hair forming a messy nest over her head.. both of them looked like they just had a steamy make out.

"You are getting it wro-- "shravan words where cut short ..

Pushkar was back with his cheesy grin
"No problem bhiya.. just , be a little less louder next time..... Rest you can do whatever you want.." he winks  at them..

That mutt was there only with the purpose to embarrass them , with the given chance ..

For Suman, she want to evaporator from there and never show her face again.. while shravan stood there rooted imagining what pushkar said , and it was anything but innocent..
Turning towards Suman who was about to cry with a flaring nose, he bites his inner cheek to stop laughing at her ...

"Sorry that I interrupted, I just came to lower the volume.. you can continue what you where doing.. " he grinned and walked away..

"Hay stop... Why did you record that.. delete it now?" Shravan frowns

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें