Chapter 34

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They where walking on a broad lane , holding hands ... The place was overly crowded that they need to put through the sea of people to move ahead .. He held her palm tight, keeping her close to his body protectively, with a palm on the back of her head prevent anyone from hurting her .. they moved like one body ...

Then someone pushed him hard from the back and then from the front .. The impact was so strong that he didn't realise when his grip around her loosen and she was out of his hold ...

Steading himself he looked around to see she was nowhere near him .. He pushed the people around him , almost shoving them away from his path to search for her .. the sound of his heart pounder in his chest could be clearly head .. panic raise inside the pith of his stomach ...

With his height, he could only see the head of the people , and Suman being tiny herself can easily be disappeared amount them ..

Grabbing , pulling , pushing everyone  near his hand , his eyes searched for her ... Mind kept changing that she is near , she was their in his hands a few minutes ago , what can go wrong with that time span , but his heart felt heavy .....

The whole atmosphere was so suffocating that ,it was getting hard for him to even breath , and the panic inside him was getting worst...

He opened his mouth to call for her but nothing came our .. He still believed that she was near him , only he needed to find her and get both of them back to home safely ...

Another jerk came from his behind , that caused him to almost fall but again , he was so much packed with people around him that it didn't happen ..

But when he opened his eyes , he was alone ... The place was empty under a dark clouded sky , with wind flowing towards west..  only he was there on a high field , with low hills in faraway view ..  the place which was so occupied a second ago was now dead empty , leaving him there surrounded by huge empty field with , large tall iron barriers at the edge which was restricting the pathway ahead to some......Clift !

Then it stuck him , ... with the crowd , his wife disappeared too ...  But gasped when he looked ahead .. there was she standing about a good distance away from him ... The only thing which knocked the breath out of his lungs was that she was standing across the barrier which was seperating both of them .....

"What was she doing there ?" He frowned as he could only see her back ...

"Sumo.." he called for her on top of his lungs ...

Yet she didn't turn back ...

He ran towards her  . The moist wind was hitting his body as he ran against it's direction ...  sky was turning dark by every passing second , indicating some thunder and rain was on its way ...

He reached 10 feet near her , but was stopped by the barrier to move further ..  the fencing was made up of long iron rods like a jail cell .. they where tall gigantic and strong. ...
And she was there across that ...
Shravan stared at the fence confused .. there where no outlet then how she got to other side ..

"Sumo ... Love.. Stay there I'll get you !"   He shouted

He turned away only to turn back when he saw her move ...

Now she stood facing him ..

His breath hitched when he saw her face ..

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें