Chapter 40

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Good morning guys! Well let me tell you, that's me trying hard to get few lines written , at 3:00am

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Good morning guys!
Well let me tell you, that's me trying hard to get few lines written , at 3:00am ..

I literally look like a dying donkey at this moment .. even after working for 17-18 hours a day , I hardly get time to check out anything ... And the worst part is I couldn't read any new updates inbetween ..

Hence , this chapter is written by a sleep deprived girl with mosquitos annoying the shit out of her ...

Read at your own risk ...

(I'll rewrite this chapter , once I get some free time)


17days ago - flashback

A disturbing buzzing sound reached her ears , breaking her deep sleep ...
Without opening her eyes , she stretched her hand to reach out for the source.. instead of mobile , her hand was over the hill of pillow that surround her ...

Thankfully , the noise of the alarm stopped after a while .. she slowly opened her eyes...

And immediately clenched them as the bright sunlight fell straight on her face ...

She shifted on her spot , and winched .. her whole body felt cramp and sour ..

Like the realisation drawn into her , she shot up , and sat clutching the sheets to her chest ...

Their room was fully lit by the sunlight , eventhough the white curtains where still drawn....

Suman looked here and there .. she was surrounded by pillows from all sides as if somebody placed them there , not wanting her to roll out of the bed ...

On the corner of the bed , a neatly folded pair of dress was kept ..
By her side of the bed , on the night stand , there was a glass filled with water and some painkillers ...

Suman frowned at the arrangement , still buffeled .. she was still in half sleep , in a state of daze. ..

Then looking down , she sensed the bareness of her body ..

Gasping , she pulled the sheets more closer ...

And then bit by bit , flashes of last night appeared ...

The first thing came to her mind was the faces of few old men who approached her to convey their condolence for her loss ... There where so many of them ... They where either Raghuvar Tiwari's mate or students .. each one of them had there own story to tell about her old man , making her feel like how little she knew about him ...
Everyone among them Loved him dearly , and Suman couldn't help but think about her own self for a second .. about her low profile life ...

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें