Chapter 45 : The Devil's doom

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The sun slowly, raised above from the horizon , spreading the orangish warm  around  .... Shravan stood straight behind the glass walls of the top floor of his firm , watching the same without a bit of effect ... If suman was there she would have jumped up and down at the sight of this natural beauty... He remember her mentioning this particular section to be her favourite among all ...

Now neither she was there , nor the light spreading on the sky meant anything more than a new day of old torture for him ..

He stood there dressed up in a dotted shirt and dark grey pants , that was for the first time in a month ..

1 month  of living without her , he already felt like a ghost ..
Waking up every morning with the same nightmares and screaming on the thoughts which exhausted him to sleep last night ..   and to know it wasn't one among his bad dreams .. the place beside him on the bed remained empty and cold , where he curled himself all the night seeking warmth... 

Shravan had literally checked under every stone and pebble of Delhi for his missing wife only to fail miserably .. clearly , she wasn't there in Delhi , and what's wierd is , there isn't any link of her going out of the state .. He even checked every single toll booth of Delhi to check whether she came across it or not ...

Ten days of flipping the whole state with so many people working on the mission ..still they came back empty handed every time ...

It was confirmed , she had left the city .. but how? Was the question. .it's hard to move out of the border without much notice , then how did she do that ...

He wondered, then again came back to his self Loathing... All along he was living a nightmare being blissfully unaware of it ... What haunted him the most was how she held for so long , fighting within her , loosing her everything to him , bit by bit , all along loving him unconditionally and helplessly ...  The thought resonates in his head like eco , for what he made her go through unknowingly .. the pain he caused her then , was killing him now ..  what he felt was acute pain with each breath he took  and not for once wanted to cure it , as whatever it may , it came from her , so he believed there was still something she left for him , even if it was a stab plugged down his heart .. 

And at this point he wanted to feel every bit of it .. he believed to deserves it and somewhere he wanted to put up with the fight to find her was to feel the immense pain he is going through .. not that he felt any better , it's just he wanted it what she was hiding ... Her suffering!

But today was different .. keeping everything aside , today he will push the one of reasons off the Clift, which made her leave him ..

Since last night he was impatiently waiting for the next sunrise and how he was going to ruin that person ..

He didn't leave the building for two days , waiting for this moment ...

5:45 am in the morning , when hardly anyone was awake , he was already dressed up for his task ...

Eric entered the cubical , with a slight knock ...  The poor soul too was getting smashing among all the trouble going on ..

"It's done ... You will get to here about it soon ...!" He said in his sleepy voice and messy attire for which shravan curtly nodded without moving his gaze ...

Eric shook his head at the way his friend was going .. he retreated and was about to close the door behind him , but before that , he softly spoke..   " shravan ..  please .... Atleast sit for a while somewhere, if not sleep ... You have been standing there for god knows how long.....''  he was expecting him to lash out , but was replied with ignorance ...

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें