Chapter 52 : The Boy who Loved .

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Hay guys ... Again sorry for the late update ..
Although I'm back to my place , I'm still struggling to write ..I have blisters in my fingers so it's killing me literally to write anything .

And why I wasn't writing anything during the vacation was because I wasn't able to think properly , and I didn't want to disappoint any of you .. last chap was more or less like a filler ..

I hope this one is bearable..

P.s I miss you all 😭

Love Athira ..

His lips lingered on her forehead as if they had forgotten the way back . Her own sweet smell mixed with the mild tint of hospital spirit , filled his lungs ad he devoured on it hungrily . Both the pair of eyes where closed , one obvious to who was holding her , other too scared to look at her ...

It took a lot for him to part himself and bluntly stare at her . How changed she looks . Her once straight and smooth hair he so loved to tangle his fingers with ,was now messy curls lazily laying on her shoulder .. the pigment near her eyes where more darker or it might be because of the skin which looked pale and whitesh .. cheekbones and collar bone more prominent, and from where his hand was , he could feel her ribs . She looks thinner and exhausted  worn-out ..

He held her like his anchor , that she always has been to him .

How did we end up here sumo ...

His heart screamed at the emptiness .

How did they really ended up here ? Didn't they love each other enough ? Well she did , he could see that , and he , from everything he has ever done , loving her was what he could remember from the first and the vary last .

Then how ..?

His palm gazed over her stomach , prominently up and at its full . He gathering his will , pulled up the dotted white dress up to reveal her swollen belly .  With wide , fading stretchmarks running from her waist to above , had his child underneath it .


" Shravan , not there ..." She mumbled sleepily slapping his hand away ..

" Then stop rolling away " he replied in equally grumpy tone , while skilfully pulled her back to him . Her back pressed on his front .. she again tried to intermingle her fingers with his but his hand did not move an inch away from her stomach where it laid flat over her soft skin .. 

"Atleast stay put .." she begged him not to caresses her there like he so loved to do with his large palm . Suman was extremely ticklish , and the fact was hard to pass through her husband's thick head  . " Can't help it wifey "
He kissed the pulsing nerve right under her ear and she knew immediately its better to stay quiet and pretend sleep . Helplessly , to escape from his assault , she turned towards him and wrapped her arms around his torso . He left a satisfying sigh pulling her even closer . Suman chuckled finally getting his hand away from her tummy to her back. It seemed like she learned to manage his fits .  He was being so touchy-feely lately that at times she had to practically push him out of the door , and he absolutely hated it . 

Unknown to her shravan smirked at his win . He had her where he exactly wanted , over his heart . Though the jitters was still there thinking some days she will carry their baby there . He often gets so fascinated by the thought , he ends up tickling her unknowingly...

Flashback ends ..

Her skin was warm , as if she had a mild fever  .... His hand caressed all over  , while with other he had her secured on his chest...

Khwaishein.. A Sharman storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें