Hanging Out

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I let Connor drive because he's been here before and I haven't.

I watched him and I couldn't stop thinking about how cute he looked, so focused on the road.

Then he looked at me while he was at a stoplight. Without saying anything he slipped his fingers between mine and smiled at me. I could feel myself blush.

Someone "awed" from the backseat, I think it was Jack.

I turned a little so I could talk to them. "So, I've been watching your videos for a while." I started. "And I still have a hard time figuring out which one of you is Jack, and which one is Finn. I can't seem to find a difference in you guys."

They laughed. Then Finn spoke,"My hair flips to the right, his to the left. And I'm Finn." He said laughing again.

"Alright then." I responded turning back around glancing at Connor for a moment.

He is so cute. His hair was perfect, his concentration face was too. Everything about him is perfection.

He pulled into a parking lot near the cloud gate.

"We should have invited Jc if we're going to the cloud gate." I said smiling. I actually had a cloud tattoo on the back of my neck. I don't think any of the boys have noticed yet though.

Connor laughed and handed me a ticket.

"You already got tickets?" I asked as he handed one to Jack and one to Finn.

"Yeah. Originally they were for the boys, but they decided they didn't want to go." He responded. Taking my hand into his as we walked.

"You know your fans are all over, you sure you want them thinking we're dating?" I asked him.

He didn't respond and instead continued walking.

That's kind of weird...

When we got up to the cloud gate Connor turned to me. "Kendra, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god! Connor! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I responded.

This guy has gotten me through a lot before I even met him, and now he can help even more.

I was holding back tears as I hugged him.

I think Jack took a picture of us on his phone but I don't care I was to happy.

We then just continued walking hand in hand, we took a couple pictures with the cloud gate in the background.

Then some girls came running up to us.

"Oh my god you're Connor Franta!" One squealed. Looking weirdly at our hands.

"And you're the Harries twins!" Another yelled. 

Jack laughed and Finn and Connor just smiled.

"Can we get a picture with you guys?" The one that hadn't spoke yet said quietly.\

"Of course." Connor responded, still smiling.

"I'll take the picture for you." I offered.

The one that spoke first smiled. "Thanks." She said while handing me her iPhone to take the picture.

 I took it and handed the phone back to her. She thanked me again before going off and fangirling with her friends.

I laughed,"How could you get used to that? I'd be creeped out."

"We used to be," Finn said laughing,"but you kind of get over it after a few times.'

"Do you have a channel?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah, two actually. I don't have more than ten subscribers though."

"Well, how bout we go back to the hotel, and do a collab? We can tell our fans about us!" Connor said and winked.

"Are you sure you want them to know so soon?" I asked him.

"Of course I do. I'm not going to hide you." He said smiling at me.

"Alright lets go." I said and we ran down the stairs back to my car.

The drive back to the hotel we just talked and laughed with the Harries.

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